✦│⌛🤍 Eisangelia [semi-closed]

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago (Edited 1 year, 5 months ago) by elusiveknives

Long ago, the Universe created four beings known as the Pillars. Airla, Malik, Zelos, Gaia, all four loved their mother dearly, and in exchange for their given life, they offered the Universe a more convenient way to guide souls to the afterlife. The pillars found a layered dimension with five realms. In each realm, an apex predator was slain for their parts. One by one, the Pillars stitched together the first Eisangelia, frankensteined from the legendary beasts. Over the course of many years, Eisangelia civilization began.


Everyone is eligible to claim 1 free token in order to make a common Eisangel

Monthly MYO sales and free raffles

In-depth lore for character development

Quests and stories to earn items and badges

Toyhouse User: Gamingerve31

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~forums/5868.species-discussion/358013.-eisangelia-launch-event

Please let us know if you joined the discord Yep! It's Saloe#7172 and I joined the world as well!


Toyhouse Username: FishTanks

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080793.wooo-another-myo-event

Joined the toyhouse world!

In the discord (i should be under Fish)

And pinging: VenusBlackStar XENODEER PureDustedRain (sorry for the pings!)


Toyhouse User: Liyuki

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080798.eisangelia-launch-event-

Joined the World: Yes

Joined the Discord: Yes, user is Liyuki#6129

Tagging: Seraphim00


Toyhouse User: areecyy
Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080906.event-lol
Joined the discord: yes (areecyy#3966)
Joined the world: yes


Toyhouse User: Keanu

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080944.new-cs-event-

Joined the Discord: Yes! Sailor Keanu#1075

Joined the World: Yes, sent a request!

Tagging: NyssasOrbit Krikaya Seucwi


Toyhouse User: piobird

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1080957.a-neeet-thing-

pings: DrCorvid StrawbiiMilk Honiydu Moxxie

(ps- i would join the discord but tis banned by parents... )


Toyhouse User: (so it's easier to copy hehe)

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081175.eisangelia-launch-event-very-cool-species-wow-

Joined Discord: scrawnt#0148

Tags: Hoaxbunnii zephyeric paintedbunnybells (sorry for the tag if I'm actually tagging right)


Toyhouse User: Amau_lu Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081184.cool-species i joined the disc server! also the th world

Tagging: H0piv3 Sunflower_wounds A_lu


Toyhouse User: H0piv3

 Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081377.awesome-species-take-a-look-on-them-3

joined the disc (hopito) and the TH world <3 

Tagging: Sunflower_wounds  A_lu Crowvidkitty 


Toyhouse User: StuckInLimb0

Discord User: StuckInLimbo#3910

Bulletin: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081747.eisangelia-launch-

Ping: wills-dad

Joined the discord! Don't mind me as I grabby hands three rare traits.


Toyhouse User: creilights

Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1081769.eisangelia-launch-

joined the discord! my tags rui#0505


brighthalation noahxenoblade Percivil


Toyhouse User: Moth_on_the_moon Bulletin Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1082392.eisangelia-launch-event

I have joined the discord server and the th world!

tanim SaltShaker slowish