Mischiefs launch + MYO event!!

Posted 1 year, 6 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by BlueAce

This is going to be a launch (or a test launch) of my species Mischiefs!

Mischiefs are a fluffy/scaly species with some dragon aspects who live in a dystopian world with humans!

They have incredible physical abilities and play a role in the destruction of earth

Toyhouse world, Discord

World and lore info here! and Free common MYO claim here! (the common MYO is separate to this event! you can claim it at any time)

In the toyhouse world you can complete weekly tasks to get R (short for Reveirum AKA the world currency!) Once you get R you get to buy MYOs, added traits and variant MYOs! Events and raffles will also have the chance to win lots of R!

(real money will not be used for Mischiefs!)

This launch event will give you the opportunity to get a rare MYO with any variants traits! :)

All you need to do is join the world and comment! There are 4 variants! Canine, aviary, aquatic, and insect, you can look at the traits and variants here! To get variant traits of your choice you'll need to make a bulletin and subscribe to Mischief_Fun !

Here's the form!


Joined the world?:

_continue only if you're getting variant traits!_

Variant of choice:



badb0ybeetle Crazylioness Insurgui lexpold FoxLord MCAverse_Database Lost_Fox


Username: badb0ybeetle

Joined the world?: yup :D

Variant of choice: Insect!

Bulletin/post: Here


badb0ybeetle MYO #2 :) ill transfer it over!


Username: FoxLord

Joined the world?: Yes ^^

Variant of choice: aviary

Bulletin/post: Here


FoxLord MYO #3 ill transfer it now!


Username: Lost_Fox

Joined the world?: Yep!

Variant of choice: Aquatic

Bulletin/post: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1192542.mischiefffff-launch


Lost_Fox MYO #4! ill transfer it over :)


cool!! Flight_Drawz

   Yep :D


i just want rarer traits xD


Username: treezon

Joined the world?: yes

Variant of choice: canine

Bulletin/post: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1193396.myo-event 


Flight_Drawz Treezon

Treezon you'll need to subscribe to Mischief_Fun

sending one over!


Tysm Ace :D BlueAce

one question do all the traits get to be rare? :D


Flight_Drawz yup! you can use as many rare traits as you like! there's no limit, you can also use as many common and uncommon traits as you'd like :) 


BlueAce -Oki tysm! :D iv already started making one of my 2 :D


Username: Ashwork44

Joined the world?: Yes

_continue only if you're getting variant traits!_

Variant of choice: Aviary

Bulletin/post: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1194274.mischiefs-launch-myo-event

Just a few questions

1: can the varients be mixed Such as antennas and tail fin. or not.

2: are you just allowed to use rare traits or can you mix it if you have a common MYO

3: is there anything about colours that i have to be a wear of

Thanks so much for the chance


Ashwork44 i'll send it over soon! but first you need to sub to Mischief_Fun :)

to answer your questions:

1. No, unless you've bought the traits separately with R. If you get a rare MYO with aviary traits you will not be able to use canine, aquatic, or insect traits.

2. If you have a rare MYO you can use as many common, uncommon, and rare traits as you'd like! no need for a separate common MYO

3. There are no limits for colors or patterns, you can make it anything you'd like!