Unpopular Species Opinions Thread

Posted 1 month, 13 days ago (Edited 1 month, 12 days ago) by TormentParade

Idk I just had the sudden urge to make a thread like this so here you go

I'm just annoyed that the most prominent criticism with closed species is always still super expensive prices, while it is true with more popular species the topic has basically been beaten to death. Discussions of this don't really help when a lot of newer species don't have prices as high as whatever the old popular ones do, which means we probably should start sharing opinions that are at least a little different (and yes, high species adopt prices still exist, but anything over the thousands is pretty taboo for the newer ones...). I just want to see... other opinions on closed species, or original species in general. 

Anyways, just respect other people's opinions in this thread and share whatever. And no cringe toxicity 👍 just remember this isn't an anonymous Tumblr blog so you still gotta be NICE and POLITE


Decided to add this, here's topics to probably avoid because they're either too prominent or unrelated. If you wanna discuss them, do that somewhere else. It's not really a hard ban but try to stick to the point of the thread!

- Adoptable/MYO prices (Discussing marketing methods or sales of other things is fine)

- Offbrands

- Species Owner/Mod controversy unrelated to species itself

I'm not sure about outright naming species to criticise publically. If you do that, I won't be responsible for anything that happens (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)

Otherwise will be lenient as long as discussion isn't harmful


My unpopular opinion? Chimereon designs are actually pretty neat! Is the species itself original? No. Are the adopts unreasonably expensive? Of course. But in cases where Chimereon designs that go further than just "this and that colors", they can actually get pretty creative and would be fun to own, compared to most species I see nowadays where they're just naked anthros with different coat colors and patterns, nothing else too interesting. Wouldn't buy them if prices are high, but kudos to the designers.


1) Plain-design species with Interesting/detailed lore > Unique-design species with no lore.

You dont need a specie design that standout to create something interesting. Like Warrior cats are literally just cats but the lore is so interesting that thousands of people make OCs and adopt based on it. Go ahead and create your 'boring water-dog hybrid', if the lore they are built on is good enough the complexity of the design doesn't matter.

2) Rarity tiers for trait sometimes lead way to easily to weirdass abelist stuff.

The most extreme one I've seen was "any mental disorder is a rare trait and you need to buy our currency to upgrade and give your MYO one" but the "missing a limb" is hella common as a rare trait in many species. What do you mean people need to pay extra for their OC to be disabled?

not an upop but a peeve related to species I kinda wanted to vent. Im still lowkey pissed that chimereon dont count the art you made of your own OC if you want to sell'em. I got a chime I have used in ages but I cant sell him cuz All the art I have of him is my own or gift. If I were to price my art on what I charged my coms at the time He's worth like 2000$ but he's worth 0 according to the species rules so im just keeping him.


Cosmind I apologize if you don't want pings!

I don't need to comment on 1, I 100% agree with it and sorta feel upset when people pass off species with in depth lore as "this + that hybrid"

Also I've actually seen a lot of species being like "ah, we trait missing limbs from birth, but missing limbs from injuries is completely fine so you don't think we're not ableist!!!", nah if you want to make missing limbs a free trait just go all on it, don't give me this kind of bullshit. That mental health trait thing is insane, in fact I think I saw a vampiric species trait anaemia which idk what to say of it it's just so funny help 😭

And yeah I agree on the last one, in fact for some reason a lot of people I've seen seem to don't mind the rule where extra art doesn't add to worth? it's such a normalised rule with closed species owners and that's bullshit honestly, don't think I have to explain why. At least I've been seeing species lately no longer having this stupid rule. At least the ones I like lmao

also off topic but I think I've seen your species before, they're pretty neat :) 


I love the idea of unique traits that lore-wise are uncommon or rare, but I feel like many more species need to execute it better. Too many traits on one exclusive tier that you need to pay for or have xyz species currency— it feels very limiting to what you can have. 

Same with colors, for any species owners reading this please don’t put certain colors behind a paywall. I’ve seen people do this, it doesn’t end up well and just.. why? Why limit colors behind a price tag? Just.. don’t do this.

Another sort of unpopular opinion I have is masterlist images. Species like Wurmz, Sweetens, Chicoons.. something about their tiny, animated official pixel art images is so cool and I wish more species did it! it’s just so pleasing to look at, and makes me wish I was in those species just because of how silly they look (They don’t even have to be ‘original’ species, like Wurmz is literally just a worm on a string marketed as a CS, but something about it makes me wish they were more of those here on TH)


Im fine with pings dw.

But yeah it's kind of a pain in the butt that self-made art doesn't count. I really don't use the fella much at all anymore and Im tempted to give him to someone else but at the same time it hurt quite a lot to see 2000$ worth oy my efforts just being passed off as "not worth anything".

also thanks! Im kinda on and off working on most of'em. Most of them are fully open but unmoderated cuz running a Group was too stressful. Cheers to those capable of running a wholeass community on their own.


I always feel some CS locking MYOs behind a luck-based paywall, regardless of how worth it they are, is not only really bad for newcomers, but they're also predatory. It just feels like a glorified gacha but only a select number of people get the slots. "But [CS] does this so everyone has a chance to get a MYO 🥺" It's not. It's just encouraging people to burn their wallets.


Lilina I do agree with this, in fact I actually wish species would just start having their MYOs (at least more common ones) available for cash sales indefinitely instead of having limited slot openings every now and then. (Also probably plus a limit to how many you can buy in a certain period to prevent the species from being too pay to win, or the player from overspending. I do realise this is difficult to implement though but it should at least be considered I guess???)

I'm admittedly not an expert on starting a business but it can be beneficial for a more chill species, I guess? People can take their time saving up money and purchasing myos whenever they want, without pressure on pouring their money into raffles or staying up all night for an MYO sale opening. 

Jelveils (yes they're controversial and probably dead but that's unrelated) did this + having sales every now and then and they had a decent amount of sales, I think. I know they're a charity group but this way of having sales could probably work generally with species which don't want to pressure members from buying myos, but allow them to do so if they wanna support

but after all I'm just a silly kid with an obsession with species and no wallet so


Honestly idrc how simple or unoriginal the species is, if they have cool lore, are flexible with the lore so i can squeeze em into any story and/or allow flexible design i'll get into it!

I also really hate the "personal art adds no worth" rule, dont think i have to explain that. Plus the locking disabilities behind a paywall thing is just straight up ableist and greedy. Honetsly any unreasonable paywalls are just.,.eugh. Tehre was this one time that i got a free myo for a species and i didnt see all the traits, and only after i got it i realised you couldnt make aus of existing ocs into that species UNLESS YOU BOUGHT A TRAIT. 😭 No i am not going to spend 3 months participating in prompts just to make an au of my own ocs.

Also agreeing with lilina about the gacha myo thing. I keep seeing species do MYO raffle sales amd it makes it almost impossible to even get a unless youve got tons of money to spare and youre extremely lucky (and i find that people who are already owners tend to get the slots too most of the time...just saying...)

Erm on a more lighthearted note. I think angemos are super neat!!! Ik theres criticisms about it being unoriginal and basically beimg guardian angels that you have to pay to make, but i like the lore and im already making a whole story based sround em so 🤷🤷


Coming from the perspective of a closed species arpg group owner
I’ve always had such an interest in animals in genera, I love drawing them. When it comes to mythology and fantasy and sci-fi, I love it even more. So making up my own creatures and creations is something I‘ve been doing since I was little. 

I currently obtained and own 4 full species plus + 3 sub species. Can I say how much work they are to maintain. I have rebooted/remade two of the full species and one of sub species and that’s already 20+ refs made right there. But even then there is still so much work to be done. Do I mind the work? No. A lot of the work and world building aspects are very fun for me. I have yet to even make a penny back for it too.

  • Common things I see people have issues with and my current solutions to help with that.
    • MYO obtainment
      • This is something I have seen a lot of people have issues with and something I am currently working on myself. Right now for my species my staff members and I are working on building and creating an in game currency people can rather easily obtain to do things like buy mythic traits, mutations, gacha tickets, and MYOs. The currency would be obtainable by anyone even a newbie all you have to do is draw and participate and prompts, and possibly a new exploration feature. That way you don’t have to worry too much about paying having to use cash.
      • I also saw a great idea whilst reading through the comments about keeping common MYO sales open indefinitely. This is actually a great idea and not sure why I didn’t think of it sooner. I‘ll need to work it out and create a possible claim station but that is genius.
    • Character obtainment
      • So in my species group we try to be considerate of everyone. As someone who has seen a species and wanted to take part in a species but would need to contribute an arm and a leg to do sooooo…. Yeah I just can’t afford it, especially when I was a  kid. So in my group we have a constant revolving door, each month we do a OTA & DTA & FREE Raffle. All which require zero currency to participate. The only time we switch this is when we are doing a gacha that month. We typically allow the winners of those to trade, giveaway, and even resell the character.
    • Gacha prices
      • We only do design gachas right now, and we are doing our first one. My first Gacha I’ve ever held. The designs will be contributed by all our staff in including me. The prices will be around $10 - $15 with a possible point option. So hopefully that will be an okay price especially considering the time it takes to make the Gacha cards as well.
        • dh4rstd-60bc52b3-28b8-4f74-b981-26a38c51
    • Personal art adds no worth
      • Now this I personally believe to be the dumbest rule on earth, it has no defense it is just no. Like why? People make art for the character buy can’t consider it to be a part of the worth even though they own the character, that I believe to be plain stupidity. If I own a character who are you to tell me what art does and doesn’t make it worth more. It also literally defeats the whole purpose of an arpg too, like no.
    • Not a lot of lore
      • For an arpg, you need a lot of lore so that is something my staff and I are also working on. We have deities in the species and are working on creating factions and faction lore, so people can then take their characters and apply to those factions later on although it’s not mandatory. The only time we’re it will be mandaTory is when we do our Faction VS. Faction art contest where each group competes with each-other via art, faction who makes the most art wins a legendary myo + a limited edition trait voucher for a new trait no one else can obtain via sales, trade, or anything.

I currently working on also making jobs people can draw their characters doing so they can also make more in game currency from that. In our group we really want to encourage the art aspect of the group.

As a species owner too I love hearing feedback and suggestions from everyone and if you have one feel free to suggest ^^

Typing on here also almost gave me mini stroke, kept on deleting my letters and words QnQ


In my personal experience, one of the things I have a gripe with is that, in some cases, even when you get the "highest tier" MYO, some groups will limit you on how many high-tier traits you can give a character. I get the point that they're supposed to be recognizable, but... They're also meant to be the rarest thing? You usually spend QUITE a bit of money AND/OR time getting it in the first place. Having the species be recognizable as the species is one thing, sure, but limiting a person with a "higher tier" MYO to only being allowed to have 4 "higher tier" traits when that is the the ONE TIER that (usually) gives you actual freedom on the design... Not the greatest. You could simply just say "you aren't allowed to change (x) or (x)" and just let them do whatever else, not give them a strict "you can't use (x) amount of 'higher tier' trait!" But also maybe this one is just me being salty about the fact that rule was dropped literal months into the groups existence.

Kind of ties into the last one but another one is when certain traits that don't really cause issues are off limits for people? I remember I wanted to give one the of the characters I had the ability to speak because I had incorrectly assumed the species in question COULD speak (and I wrote and submitted a writing piece where this character spoke and it got approved, mind you) which was my bad, but I wanted to fix it by putting the trait on the character, since I had enough of the premium currency to tack on said ability as a "higher tier" trait. But... They didn't let me? And I didn't really get why? I don't remember what their explanation was. I guess it could be considered a big part of the species, breaking a "core aspect" of the species or something. But it's not like it's going to make the character unrecognizable from the species if I give them that ability.

I LOVE the concept of closed species, especially in smaller groups (maybe like ~50 people) because there usually isn't a more... Cut throat environment, for lack of a better term, in larger servers. Smaller communities are more lax, and there isn't as much user bias. Smaller communities are, as you can guess, more community-based, especially if they're also meant to be more "F2P" compared to larger communities where it's more of a "get a design from your favorite designer for (large price)!" or "get a really rare myo for (large price)!" kind of thing. Sure, those issues could still be a problem within those small groups, but if it's a smaller group of closer people then it's more possible to get the people in charge to listen and take feedback.

Also, just... The fact that if you want to leave a closed species then there's usually an entire new problem you end up with where, if you don't want to change the designs you have, you're kind of just stuck in the mud. The fact that it's kind of commonplace for groups not letting you just leave with the designs you made (understandable if they're someone else's, maybe like a moderators design or something) without you having to redesign them also leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Of course, I get it, you don't want something that isn't part of the species to not look like the species anymore, but some of them just... Don't really feel specific enough to warrant a redesign? Like my thought process is "would this character be recognizable as (x) species or just appear as a normal OC without any context of the species existing?" kind of thing.

Ooh text wall. I'm ok with pings btw! :3


Achillobator Oh my god this reminded me. had an ex-friend who was gatekeeping holiday traits ??? yeah that species I was in was a mess