Sleeping Daemons (IC) and free customs

Posted 5 years, 9 months ago (Edited 5 years, 9 months ago) by Embyrs

What do you think of sleeping daemons?

4 Votes Not interested
2 Votes Meh
12 Votes I love them
4 Votes I need more info to decide

Sleeping Daemons are a closed species that I came up with recently and so am still sorting out the details.

Sleeping Daemons are born from the strong presence of a single emotion in an area over a period of time. Once born, they feed off that emotion. Whenever they are completely full, they fall into a deep slumber. If awoken, they release a huge burst of their chosen emotion, affecting anyone nearby. They can not fall asleep again until they recollect the emotion that they have lost. (The general advice is to let sleeping Daemons lie.)

When sleeping Daemons feed off an emotion, they remove the emotion from their target. (Some governments have made use of this, such as having an anger daemon quell a mob.) As a consequence of this, sleeping Daemons can not feel their own chosen emotion unless they consume some of that emotion that they have collected. Emotions can range from as general as joy to as specific as a desire to explore the stars. The more specific the emotion, the more consentrated the energy sleeping Daemons receive from absorbing the emotion. (So specific emotion Daemons have to absorb less emotion to be full). Sometimes Daemons also glimpse memories that are associated with the emotion they absorb. The more complex emotions can cause sleeping Daemons to be formed of multiple colors that swirl around like a galaxy.

Sleeping Daemons do not age, but rather stay in the appearance they first take. They can use their power to take away or give their emotion to those around them. They can sense high concentrations of their emotion from far away and are naturally attracted to those locations.

Most newborn sleeping Daemons roam the land aimlessly looking to gather their emotion, gaining memories as they go. Some continue to do so until they are full, while others are drawn by the allure of civilization. This self conscious decision often causes random markings to appear on the Daemon, a reminder that they have strayed from their natural state.

If a sleeping Daemon loses all of its emotion, it will die and dissipate back into nothingness.

Sleeping Daemons vary in appearance with the most common form being a human although they can take the form of any living creature. The closer they resemble the being they take the appearance of, the more powerful they are (smaller horns, no demonic wings or claws, etc.)

All sleeping Daemons have horns, which allow them to protect themselves in various ways. Those with a single horn have magical abilities such as elemental control. Those with multiple horns sprouting from the front of the skull have mind manipulation abilities such as glamours and persuasion. (These Daemons have the easiest time blending in to society as they can easily trick others into seeing them as human). Those with multiple horns sprouting out the side of their heads have heightened physical abilities. Those with multiple horns on the back of their heads have the ability to communicate with and control animals.

Rare cases have been noted of sleeping daemons having multiple types of horns.

Examples (not very varied I know @-@): Image and video hosting by TinyPic Emotion: rage Image and video hosting by TinyPic Emotion: superiority

I need more examples so I am doing free customs temporarily

To order a custom [temporarily closed]: Resemblance (human, fox, etc): Sex (male/female): Horn(s) shape(s) and size(s): Other aspects that make it different (wings, claws, extra eyes, a tail, different ears, etc): Full (sleeping) or how empty (awake)?: Emotion: (Color is based off of the emotion; complex emotions can take multiple colors) Markings (if assimilated to civilization):


Ohhhh I really like em! Could I inquire about a fox custom? c: 

Resemblance (human, fox, etc): Vulpine! 

Sex (male/female): Either is fine really! 

Horn(s) shape(s) and size(s): I love ram horns or antlers or little spikes, so whatever you feel like is good by me! 

Other aspects that make it different (wings, claws, extra eyes, a tail, different ears, etc): Maybe extra tails, to almost resemble a kitsune? Feel free to do something different if you liken 

Full (sleeping) or how empty (awake)?: Full and sleeping c: 

Emotion: How about Lust? 

Markings (if assimilated to civilization): Nothing specific, so go nuts! 

Let me know if any of that isn't okay! @Embrys


Can I ask for a custom?

Resemblance (human, fox, etc): Hmm...perhaps a bunny? Idk...

Sex (male/female): Either is fine really! 

Horn(s) shape(s) and size(s): I really like spikes, but whatever's fine with you.

Other aspects that make it different (wings, claws, extra eyes, a tail, different ears, etc): Probably claws. 

Full (sleeping) or how empty (awake)?: Full-

Emotion: Hmmm...perhaps greed? Or maybe sadness...yeah, I'm thinking sadness/depression. Depression it is! (But if you take the first idea instead I will not be disappointed.)

Markings (if assimilated to civilization): Nothing specific, it doesn't even need to have any-

If any of this isn't alright with you just shoot me a pm or tag me in this thread. (I'm not gonna sub so you should @ me.)


This is a super cool idea, and it seems like fun to elaborate on! I'd love to snag a custom :3

To order a custom: 

Resemblance (human, fox, etc): A crow, if that works? (If their primary form is a bird, could they have a humanoid form with bird wings?)

Sex (male/female): Up to you! I like androgynous designs, so you don't even have to specify a gender if that's easier for you

Horn(s) shape(s) and size(s): Whatever looks natural! Smallish antler shapes maybe? If more than one works, that would be great, as some sort of illusion powers would be quite cool. 

Other aspects that make it different (wings, claws, extra eyes, a tail, different ears, etc): A second set of wings would be great! And a third eye could also be cool :3

Full (sleeping) or how empty (awake)?: Awake, around half empty maybe?

Emotion: Fear of/worry over losing friends? Any memories they pick up tend to be super fond memories of friends along with worried or regretful memories of something that did cause or might cause them to lose said friend. (I'd love to get (a) dark color(s), so anxiety or general regret could also work?)

Markings (if assimilated to civilization): None


TheStrayCat Here you go! ^^ The antlers are sprouting out from behind the ears near the back of the skull so your fox has the ability to communicate and control other animals. Its power is moderately strong among sleeping daemons as the only differences are its horns and three tails.

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Embyrs I love them! :D Thank you!! What a cool concept! 


StrawberryLunala Here you go! Your sleeping daemon's emotion is depression. It's horns grant it superhuman speed and the ability to confuse those who see it. Where ever it goes, rumors spread of a strange creature that was there one second and gone the next. Some claim that it has a thousand eyes and a gaping mouth, others a shadowy figure. What ever illusionary form they see, it makes for a good tale.

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Wow, that's really cool, thanks! ^^


LeviathanInkk Image and video hosting by TinyPic Here you go! Since his horns are from the front of his head, he has mind manipulation abilities ^^


These seem super cool! If ever the chance customs open up again, I'd love to get one!



Here you go! Yours is experimental since I got a new drawing program for Christmas @~@

It’s emotions swirl around it’s body turbulently rather than staying in one spot. It has the ability to cast simple illusions as well as the ability to change forms, although doing so uses a fair amount of its collected emotion.

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Embyrs I love it! And I love the new style :3 Thank you!