Draw the OC above you a sticker pack!

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago (Edited 10 months, 22 days ago) by Miccynix

Came up with this ID, inspired by this forum: https://toyhou.se/~forums/6753.art-games/73055.create-a-chara-for-the-person-above-from-emojis-

The stickers can be either like a sticker pack of memes with the character in them, or emojis. If you would like to request specific stickers or memes you can include that in your claim statement


- You must do at least 3 stickers

- You have 3 weeks to finish your claim, if not you can post it to the unfinished claim forum. 

-Once your three weeks is up I will message you about the claim, after that you will have a week to finish the art before you are banned from the forum

-All stickers must be colored, if the character is black and white that is an exception

-Edit your comment to include the art you completed. If you want you may also pm the art to the user as well!

-You may only have one claim at a time, having two unfinished and open will result in a ban

-Please do not send any random comments on the thread, questions can be sent to my pms!

-Deleting your comment will receive in a ban!

-To get a ban appeal PM me with this form:

I finished my claim from from [Insert date you made claim here]

Banned users:

BrokenCurse,RottenBrain ,T0xicWast3 , Storage_Acc0unt(tracing)

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Preferably anyone in Sona folder but you can do anyone not in uft lol

Drawing: Finished



TYSM!! Its really cute! 👍


claim uwutuber !!

can i get https://toyhou.se/14420027.pavlov or https://toyhou.se/14208919.finn ? for extra details, pavlov likes pizza/gaming and finn is a sailor!


Rui hikaru-i

memeathon claim (ack i messed up ping but will deliver when its done) df0l5g9-9057def3-ca9c-4639-9031-595846aa

would love something for Rui (ic) or him 



Claim! <3 hikaru-i

Here's a few options, I don't have any preference so just go for whoever you vibe with most!

Aevid Ben Blaze

Edit; Finished! <3



Claim Aevidity

Anyone here is good. :3 https://toyhou.se/FluffyFoxOfFate/characters/tagged:art/folder:all

Done: 46082421_qIF.png


Claim FluffyFoxOfFate 

Edit: Thank you much for the sticker pack! I love all the expressions you gave Kohana! <3 

Anyone from here or here would work! 

Finished! https://ibb.co/chNFt3N (link)



Claim! Doughnaughty

Áden, Lyra, and Yushi are options

Edit: Done!

Izzy Everly Caitluz

Claim lesbiancryptid !!
Izzy (IC) please! <3

Really fun to draw!! I did a version with a background and a transparent one to make it easier in case you ever want to turn them into proper stickers! Hope you like it! ^^



ren veigar

claim! Caitluz

ic preferred please ! : ) but anyone here is OK  


CLaim freyamoos

Done https://sta.sh/0dy5oyqfc64

Anyone from here is totally fine :D

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Claim StarPrizm

Anyone here is fine!

Done! Link: https://sta.sh/0ibxjtnejf6

Candy Latzness candymagickatCMK

CLAIM MathematiCool (completed https://toyhou.se/candymagickat/art#46109505)

This post has been removed.