Draw the OC above you a sticker pack!

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 9 months, 24 days ago) by Miccynix

Came up with this ID, inspired by this forum: https://toyhou.se/~forums/6753.art-games/73055.create-a-chara-for-the-person-above-from-emojis-

The stickers can be either like a sticker pack of memes with the character in them, or emojis. If you would like to request specific stickers or memes you can include that in your claim statement


- You must do at least 3 stickers

- You have 3 weeks to finish your claim, if not you can post it to the unfinished claim forum. 

-Once your three weeks is up I will message you about the claim, after that you will have a week to finish the art before you are banned from the forum

-All stickers must be colored, if the character is black and white that is an exception

-Edit your comment to include the art you completed. If you want you may also pm the art to the user as well!

-You may only have one claim at a time, having two unfinished and open will result in a ban

-Please do not send any random comments on the thread, questions can be sent to my pms!

-Deleting your comment will receive in a ban!

-To get a ban appeal PM me with this form:

I finished my claim from from [Insert date you made claim here]

Banned users:

BrokenCurse,RottenBrain ,T0xicWast3 , Storage_Acc0unt(tracing)


claiming! Random_Doodles



Pick any of my character you want except the sale folder : )


aaahhh u have cuties 🥺 claim <3

characters here 


 kuchen PUPSIK

claim tinymilk

would absolutely love some art of ebba

Edit: finished hope you like them ^^


Itsuki Wulfe ochabuny

claim softkins

I would love to give this bunny boy some content its been a while

edit: finished 


Marcus Vividlure themostrandomdoodles

Claim! pyrebuny hecking adorable character, I'm excited to draw! (✯ᴗ✯)

I would much appreciate an adorable sticker pack for my adorable, beloved psychopath please! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

Edit: Still working on it, but made this in the process. I just haven't found inspiration for the sticker pack yet. (´-﹏-`;)


Nomura Takashi GLITCH-DXCTOR

I'll bite! Claiming Random_Doodles!

Edit: Done!!




IC or any of these characters here: 

Tibbles , Anomaly , Yui

Done !! 


Teknit Rockfish


Ic or any of these dudes please(scroll down):Link



Peter Davies MothsandFrogs

Finished! Rockfish


Peter pretty please, If it matters, he is a christian witch and dresses like a goth they/them XD

Huginn Ra'ven gahantism

claim! finished! MothsandFrogs

IC please! He's just a anxious bird man i love him



oh my god i love this so much! the pants sticker and the ding dong one made me crack up omg

EBBU Knightlies

claim arsnicteddy



IC preferred but feel free to pick anyone from my gallery not in my sale folder : )

(Delilah) 💘 WireframeArson

Claim Knightlies!! this is such a cute idea oh my gosh

Edit: Done and sent!


edit 2: the stickers look awesome!!! tysm :-D

ic preferred, but anyone in this tag or this folder is ok too if you arent great with humans!

 Abyss Oath 💊 ShadowOath

Claim WireframeArson

Edit finished


IC is preferred but anyone linked here too please

For Abyss (IC): Please do kitchen themed <3 he loves hanging out in the kitchen while Eliakim is cooking, he learns how to cook by this time playing with Eliakim in the kitchen


Ascelin: he never gets the chance to grow up--so please draw only as a minor, can be drawn with stuffies and other cutesy things (Ideas of stuffies seen here please (image is of Shadow as a child--but shows the kinds of stuffies they would have) )

Umbra: Please do hospital theme or medication/illness themed


claim! ShadowOath

i would love if you could do https://toyhou.se/9838158.lil-bat-dude but if he is to hard this will do https://toyhou.se/9867990.orangie



Polaris stankynoodle

Claim edrenith123

ic is preferred but if you don’t like them you can do anyone in my mains.