Draw the Warrior Cat Above You!!

Posted 3 years, 4 months ago (Edited 7 months, 17 days ago) by ciphersong

Okay, so I am just a huge Warrior Cats fanatic! So, I really wanted to make a Warrior Cats thread :3

Here are the rules!

  • All characters must have a Warrior Cat name, examples being Doestep, Beargrass, Tawnybee, etc. (This rule is void if your character is a Kittypet, Loner, Rogue, or Tribe Cat)
  • Unrealistic cats are allowed
  • All art must be at least a colored headshot, please no 2 minute sketches. If traditional, please provide clear lighting. If not, your piece will not count.
  • Bases are only allowed if you made the base yourself.
  • You have two weeks to complete your art. Once two weeks have passed, I will send you a message giving you usually around 4 days to complete it unless you can give me a good reason for why you were late.
  • You may claim again as soon as you finish your current claim.
  •  And the most important rule; have fun :D


Fallie- Not finishing their claim

captain-duckz- Not finishing their claim

RustHeart- Not finishing a claim and deleting reminders

ASTROHUND- Not finishing a claim

divineflowering- Not finishing a claim

PandaTheArtistt- Not finishing a claim

Fallen20- Personal blacklist 

TastyAce- Personal blacklist

SozinThis- Not finishing a claim

Cuckoo AutumnCanidae

Claim Feliiness !! IC or anyone in this folder would be awesome

Edit: It is done



Claim AutumnCanidae done!

anyone here!

Meltedice Acopytopy

Koffeebeens Claim!

edit: done


Next person, please draw IC or anyone in his folder

Sharpstar AutumnCanidae

Acopytopy claim ! IC or anyone else here (her folder), please!

Edit: done and sent !



AutumnCanidae Claim! 

anyone in here is good!

CoyoteThroat GhostlyYin

Wargeye claim!! 

Ic please!! or someone here  A, B



 Soaringlight Bearlytrap

Claim! GhostlyYin


IC or Basilbug or Oblivion

Sunsetblaze Koffeebeens

Claim Bearlytrap done!

ic or anyone here!


Koffeebeens claim!

edit: finished!

her or him pls!!  

Witheredflame Bann

RiotLizard Claim!

IC is preferred, otherwise Oatfoxworks too!

Edit:  Thank you GhostlyYin for the adorable headshot! <333



CoyoteThroat GhostlyYin

claim! Bann



Ic is much preferred  ( heres his ref) but these guys can be drawn toooo! 12!! :-D 

TBN fizzyymeow

GhostlyYin claim!

IC is preferred, but anyone from here can be drawn too!

edit: done and sent! :D

This user's account has been closed.
Owlpaw (Reference) WhiteEcho2

Claim _Irumama_ !!

IC would be awesome (Idc which ref you use lol) but anyone in that WC folder is okay too!! <3


Edit: Done!


Claim! WhiteEcho2

I'd love one of these Gals drawn! 

 Auburnstare, Cherryblossom, Lilypetal or Smallflower!!
