Draw A Sketchpage For The User Above You!

Posted 3 years, 1 month ago (Edited 3 months, 22 days ago) by VictoryDrawsStuff

So I was just thinking about this , and I haven’t seen an art game for sketch pages exist, so I’m making one! Lets go! (If one does actually exist let me know and I’ll delete this thread aaa-)

 (Also: Sketchpages are underrated in my opinion- /lh)

And for those who ask ”What is a sketchpage?” just search it up on Google and Google images shall show you plenty of beautiful examples :D

^ Text above is Victory long ago, don't mind me being cringe- This artgame is simple, draw a sketchpage for the user above you! Follow the rules, contact me if any problems occur or if you have any questions, etc and all shall be good :D

EDIT 05/24/2024: I (@//VictoryDrawsStuff) am NOT moderating this thread anymore- The new moderator is Joeboateo , please direct any concerns / issues to him, not me! Thank you for keeping this art game alive, I am so glad you guys love it!


  • -Wait for at least 3 people to have posted / claimed before you claim another user again. The only exception is that if a week passes and nobody claims for the last one to post, you can claim said user.
  • -Finish your last claim before claiming someone again, you cannot claim another user when you have not completed you're previous claim.
  • -Do not delete your claim to avoid doing said claim. Deleting your claim may likely result in a ban.
  • -You have 5 weeks to complete your claim, that should be plenty of time to complete a sketchpage-
  • (NOTE: If you are unable to complete your claim in that time frame, let me and/ or the person you owe art too know why that is the case, I typically grant extra time if one does so and has a reason for it other than not wanting to do the work for their claim, this isn't a thread to get free art- If you contacted the person you owe art to and not me, please let me know that as well- )
  • -Ping or mention the name of the person you've claimed in your comment- This will make sure that nobody is skipped and/ or is not notified of their claimer claiming their request!  . 
  • -The sketchpage should at contain at least 3 or more drawings of a character in the page. They can be more than just sketches (can be colored sketches, or even full render), but sketches are the minimum (after all they are called sketchpages) .
  •  (Recommendation but optional: Include some ideas for poses, composition, etc to help the person claiming you!)
  • -Edit your post with the art when you're done with your art (do not make a new post on the thread, this is to prevent spam), PM / DM said person as well so it is made sure that they will receive their sketchpage!
  • -Drama will not be tolerated on this thread, if conflict occurs take it to DMs, not on this thread. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc will also NOT be tolerated ever, and will result in a ban from this thread and any threads of mine.
  • -If you have any problems, concerns, questions, etc , DM / PM the moderator Joeboateo (DO NOT DM THE OG CREATOR OF THE THREAD (@//VictoryDrawsStuff) .

Ban List:

Please do NOT claim any of these users, banned users will not be able to participate in this thread or any threads of mine.

@// -catprince 

REASON: Failure to complete claim after due date and extended time given.


Edit log:

09 / 25 / 2022: GAVE THIS THREAD A HUGE OVERHAUL- Rewrote the rules to make myself sound less cringy, improved formatting- A lot of work done!

05/24/2024: Thread officially has a new mod Joeboateo , I (VictoryDrawsStuff) will NOT be modding this thread from now on!

Billy Boy SkinnedKaiju

ilooklikebingus claim!

ic preferred but i would also like art of enoch, matty, or alex

Ganlan Gehennya eggcatmaki

Claim SkinnedKaiju !

IC pref, or anyone in here (Eggcat OCs) is good

Finished art: https://toyhou.se/~images/86631367 




Sun Sunkle

claim eggcatmaki

IC or anyone here🥰🥰 https://toyhou.se/Sunkle/characters/folder:5817990





ic or ©


Masami Katz Orchidz


Ic or anyone here please!! :3


Orchidz claim!

 anyone here 

finished: WIP

vv thank you so much!!


Claim PastelPearls

Finished: Done!

Options are all under the spoiler! I’ve included some notes under each character if you need any drawing ideas. They’re not required tho so no pressure of course 

Clover is preferred atm but my other opts are fine too 👍🏼



-Exploring nature

-Eating candy or weird objects (She loves eating tinfoil lmao)

-Anything Oc x Canon related (I’d love seeing her drawn with her crush Techmo the most, but anyone else in her links tab is fine too!)

⭐️Audrey Rivers

-Exploring nature, playing with wild animals

-Since she has two different designs, you can draw whichever one you want!

-Anything of her with her pet squirrel Hazel or with bees would also be awesome! (She’s a beekeeper)

-She’s a Disventure Camp Oc, if you’re familiar with the series than anything related to that would be awesome!

-Anything Oc x Canon related (I love seeing her drawn with Alec (Friend / crush) the most, but anyone else in her links tab is fine too!)

⭐️Sakura Violet

-Adventuring, anything Pokémon related (Drawing her with any of her Pokémon teammates would make me very happy! Her team is here)

-Anything Oc x Canon related (I love seeing her drawn with Arven (Boyfriend) The most, but anyone else in her links tab is fine too!)



wY2WlPI.jpegClaim LunarPikaa!

Little gremlin creature that lives off of peachy keen monster and shitty gas station donuts. (DO NOT skip over drawing their scars. I’m sick of people doing that.)

Athena (heavily preferred)
Smokes, lead drummer in a band. If your looking to draw angst this is the mf for you lol 

Creepy demon dog that stalks the dark. Basically the same thing as smile dog. You can do anything with them I just ask you keep the smile.

Lore yet to be decided, feel free to do anything with her.


Claim _Marley

EDIT: Done!!!


Emmeline - I just redesigned her so she's preferred over the other ones ^^ You can kind of do whatever with her

Lillith - Perched on a branch, maybe some poses that show off her wings?

Cherice - Maybe her just being a strange little critter? 

Canary - Making tea and stuff

Chrysanthemum - (Anthro) Maybe holding some dried herbs? Idk you can really just do whatever with them.

Selkie - I've had her for a while so I'm trying to fill up her gallery now ^^

Akua Nanura

Claim Everseenabee :) 

IC preferred, Scarlett or Nuala

but any in active folder are fine if none of them are your taste!!! 



Hope you like it!

Bitsy owlsverbatim


ic or anyone in my mains folder https://toyhou.se/owlsverbatim/characters/folder:4872349

This user is not visible to guests.

Claim! sir_lawnslot

EDIT: Done!! >:D


Anyone here will do, but if you'd like some specific options/don't feel like looking at 156 pages of characters, then here you go!:

-Griffin Goddard


-Dapper Moonstone

-Chaos Faerie Cookie

-The Waiter


Claim WillBeRedeemed

Doing them !! https://toyhou.se/13050704.konpeito-cookie

Feel free to do anyone with the "draw" tag!