Draw A Sketchpage For The User Above You!

Posted 3 years, 24 days ago (Edited 3 months, 14 days ago) by VictoryDrawsStuff

So I was just thinking about this , and I haven’t seen an art game for sketch pages exist, so I’m making one! Lets go! (If one does actually exist let me know and I’ll delete this thread aaa-)

 (Also: Sketchpages are underrated in my opinion- /lh)

And for those who ask ”What is a sketchpage?” just search it up on Google and Google images shall show you plenty of beautiful examples :D

^ Text above is Victory long ago, don't mind me being cringe- This artgame is simple, draw a sketchpage for the user above you! Follow the rules, contact me if any problems occur or if you have any questions, etc and all shall be good :D

EDIT 05/24/2024: I (@//VictoryDrawsStuff) am NOT moderating this thread anymore- The new moderator is Joeboateo , please direct any concerns / issues to him, not me! Thank you for keeping this art game alive, I am so glad you guys love it!


  • -Wait for at least 3 people to have posted / claimed before you claim another user again. The only exception is that if a week passes and nobody claims for the last one to post, you can claim said user.
  • -Finish your last claim before claiming someone again, you cannot claim another user when you have not completed you're previous claim.
  • -Do not delete your claim to avoid doing said claim. Deleting your claim may likely result in a ban.
  • -You have 5 weeks to complete your claim, that should be plenty of time to complete a sketchpage-
  • (NOTE: If you are unable to complete your claim in that time frame, let me and/ or the person you owe art too know why that is the case, I typically grant extra time if one does so and has a reason for it other than not wanting to do the work for their claim, this isn't a thread to get free art- If you contacted the person you owe art to and not me, please let me know that as well- )
  • -Ping or mention the name of the person you've claimed in your comment- This will make sure that nobody is skipped and/ or is not notified of their claimer claiming their request!  . 
  • -The sketchpage should at contain at least 3 or more drawings of a character in the page. They can be more than just sketches (can be colored sketches, or even full render), but sketches are the minimum (after all they are called sketchpages) .
  •  (Recommendation but optional: Include some ideas for poses, composition, etc to help the person claiming you!)
  • -Edit your post with the art when you're done with your art (do not make a new post on the thread, this is to prevent spam), PM / DM said person as well so it is made sure that they will receive their sketchpage!
  • -Drama will not be tolerated on this thread, if conflict occurs take it to DMs, not on this thread. Homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc will also NOT be tolerated ever, and will result in a ban from this thread and any threads of mine.
  • -If you have any problems, concerns, questions, etc , DM / PM the moderator Joeboateo (DO NOT DM THE OG CREATOR OF THE THREAD (@//VictoryDrawsStuff) .

Ban List:

Please do NOT claim any of these users, banned users will not be able to participate in this thread or any threads of mine.

@// -catprince 

REASON: Failure to complete claim after due date and extended time given.


Edit log:

09 / 25 / 2022: GAVE THIS THREAD A HUGE OVERHAUL- Rewrote the rules to make myself sound less cringy, improved formatting- A lot of work done!

05/24/2024: Thread officially has a new mod Joeboateo , I (VictoryDrawsStuff) will NOT be modding this thread from now on!

 Lucasia Ragnvindr VictoryDrawsStuff

Lets start off this game with me! I would love a sketchpage for Lucasia! :D

akmi paii

Claim! VictoryDrawsManga my art style is very chibi so expect smth like that :’D

I would love to see a sketch page of Akmi :0



Please choose one of these bois! (all humanoid males)

https://toyhou.se/9476751.bobby-rivers (please draw his forearm crutch with him (in one of the sketches at least) as it's apart of his disability)
https://toyhou.se/4056718.ka-la-spiteri (please do not draw him only a blob ball lol)

Edit: Ty!

Cake MothsandFrogs

Finished! SleepingThunder


I'd really like for Cake to be drawn but anyone in my object heads folder is fine!


Claim MothsandFrogs I'd really like for https://toyhou.se/12287797.lauren or https://toyhou.se/4295622.jake to be done :)

https://postimg.cc/7GXvGwvz Done


Claim! -Nerve-

For me somebody from this folder: https://toyhou.se/Urtica/characters/folder:840493 please ^-^

Sara boxslay

Claim! Urtica

Maybe them?

Edit: Finished! They were fun to draw so i colored them too https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/870472005722464267/876447272026669096/Untitled178_20210815084818.png

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Claim! Ressy I will post options when at my PC

FINISHED: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/870200539206541383/876618566462480404/image0.png

I would love a sketch page of Heinrich, Johnathan, Katelyn, Radix, Chiros (Monster Horror Warning), Spider Flower (Monster Horror Warning),

For any of them, especially the first three, feel free to draw them in different outfits as you like.

Heinrich is a soldier and a prophet. Very caring but also a beast on the battle field.

Johnathan is the heir of the Curse of Cain (passed down by ancestors on the male lineage). He has gone through a lot and lived a messed up life but has found peace and comfort as a normal dad

Katelyn has the soul of a legendary japanese warrior but is actually just a hopeless romantic 18 year old girl. Kimonos and katanas are great, both white and black hair are awesome.

Radix is a sadistic but fancy sort of guy who kinda has a bad habit of "accidental" arson. 

Chiros and Spider Flower are both monsters and aggressive. Gore is fine.


Claim! This would be fun as a lil warm up :)

And done! Heinrich was so nice to doodle. Hope the outfit is okay since i only have a headshot to go off from :')


Anyone from the Light Years Odysseyfolder is fine and dandy with me


Edit; Finished!



Could I please get anyone (Other than Trouble) from my primary folder? I would especially love Lucillia or Sivra!


Claim! Done!

Anyone is ok c:

Feel free to do p much whatever you want, you can go silly or serious, mess with markings etc, as long as the character is recognizable 😹


Claim! Jojjo DONE https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/753370554844840088/876687700747497492/image0.png

I would love a sketch page of Johnathan, Katelyn, Radix, Chiros (Monster Horror Warning), Spider Flower (Monster Horror Warning),

For any of them, especially the first three, feel free to draw them in different outfits as you like.

Johnathan is the heir of the Curse of Cain (passed down by ancestors on the male lineage). He has gone through a lot and lived a messed up life but has found peace and comfort as a normal dad

Katelyn has the soul of a legendary japanese warrior but is actually just a hopeless romantic 18 year old girl. Kimonos and katanas are great, both white and black hair are awesome.

Radix is a sadistic but fancy sort of guy who kinda has a bad habit of "accidental" arson. 

Chiros and Spider Flower are both monsters and aggressive. Gore is fine.



Edit: Finished!


u can draw anyone from Here!

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