Draw the Specific Character Above You ★ [MOD]

Posted 2 years, 5 months ago (Edited 10 months, 21 days ago) by wakko

I have received permission from kuroro to take over their Draw the Specific Character Above You ✿ [MOD] game as the new moderator! thank you kindly!

Other games I mod: Draw an Icon For The Person Above ★ [MOD] | Create a monster babe for the person above ★ [MOD] | Create a pkmn gijinka for the person above ★ [MOD] | Draw an OC who needs more love for the above ★ MOD | Design a kemonomimi for the person above ★ [MOD]

Rules ---

Claiming people:

・Wait at least 4 people to have posted before you claim again. The exception is if a week has passed without anyone claiming the last poster, then you can claim again.

・Finish your last claim before claiming again.

・Please don't delete your post to avoid filling your claim.

・Ping or mention the name of the person you've claimed in your comment. This is to ensure no one gets skipped and so we can see who deleted their post.

Completing the art:

・Complete the art within one (1) month. You'll be notified a week before the deadline. If it is not complete after a full month, you will be banned. You can DM me to talk about getting taken off the list.

・The art should be at least half-body (most of arms) with colours and/or shading. Traditional or digital are both fine, as long as you put effort!

・Edit your post with the art when you're done (do NOT make a new post). This is show you've completed your claim. Also PM the art to the person you claimed as they may not notice your edited post.

・Don't draw NSFW or gore unless the person above you said it was ok. Bases are not allowed.


・If you have any problems or suggestions, please let me know by messaging wakko !!

Steps to play:

1. Wait at least 4 people to claim between your last claim.

2. Claim the last poster by pinging them/mentioning their name. Feel free to post IC or link to character(s) you wish to be drawn.

3. Complete the art for person you claimed within 1 month.

4. Edit your post with the completed art when you're done.

Late users: Users here have an incomplete overdue claim and cannot make another claim in any games I mod until it is completed. Please skip if a user here posts

PopoArt/PaulinDamienMikaOmen/OmenPMD/Myself/Loooonnneellyyy/PaternDark/Enelles/@CheeseEnelles and any other alt - banned due to this PSA coming to my attention

@Res - unfinished claim, please complete your claim to be removed

@AlexNeedsCoffee - unfinished claim, please complete your claim to be removed

LAX_00 - unfinished claim, please complete your claim to be removed 

Superior - unfinished claim

Interstellar_Paradox - unfinished claim

**Please DM me to talk about getting taken off the list.**

Junichiro Fanditty

Claim Altair_ia

IC is preferred but anyone under this tag is ok :>



Yuri hikaru-i

claim Trouvaillan trouvaillan_by_hikaru_i_df1ol8d-pre.jpg?

ic please!

Peter Davies MothsandFrogs

Finished! hikaru-i


This user is not visible to guests.
Zahava | זֶהָבָה Spinebby



Water sonk

claiim Spinebby !

Vale Nord

sonk claim! done and sent!


IC pls :>

Shion Mizutani LavenderPhantump

Claim Nord!

EDIT - finished and sent!!

Rose ThatGothDragQueen

Claim LavenderPhantump

Fuun ChocoChan

Claim ThatGothDragQueen

Edit: Finished and sent!

Edit 2: Gosh, that is so so super adorable! tysm ;;

Fuuta hikaru-i

claim ChocoChan 



Claim ! hikaru-i

Either Alejandro or Felipe   



Jasper Agatet MothsandFrogs

Finished! Anxious_Witch


If not IC then one of the below characters is fine too!



Tabitha Wynter Doughnaughty

Claim MothsandFrogs 

Edit: Finished and sent! https://ibb.co/rbGKpVs 

IC preferred but I won't mind if you do Irina in this outfit

Ariamon endiria

claim Doughnaughty!