Draw the animal OC/fursona above you!

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 8 months, 11 days ago) by FoxMulder

Want to participate in the draw the person above you but can’t draw humanoids very well? This thread is for you!

- this thread is exclusively for animal or furry / non-humanoid characters ! (Example: Warrior Cats OC) 

- You have two weeks to get started on your claim! 

- After those two weeks you will get a reminder, another week, then you will be barred from participating until it is completed

- Only one claim at a time! You cannot claim until your current one is completed

- wait for 3 claims before claiming again 

- REMINDER: at least 2 characters to pick from are Highly preferred, (you can specify which is your priority!)

Art guidelines 

- add your finished art to your comment when done (links ok) 

- no bases no tracing 

-Keep everything SFW!! (ONLY Gore is okay only if the OC’s owner has said so and if it is properly tagged/spoilered/hidden)  

-Must be colored, and must be a bust at the minimum

• First claim only needs to leave ref/s and doesn’t have to draw ! If nobody ends up claiming I will draw your character :] •


For not completing their art- 





yellow/1st warning: Umbstheshinyumbreon for: using base

Mono PatchworkPants

SmokyJax, claim!! Complete!!
IC or anyone here works!! My characters all have mouths!!

 Phoenix Moonleaf

Claim PatchworkPants IC or anyone here https://toyhou.se/Moonleaf/characters


Barqe Accio

Moonleaf Claim ^^

Finished! https://toyhou.se/~images/58664942

IC, Patch or Tim! Gore is fine for Patch!

Xan astrodoesart


In character preferred but feel free to do anyone in favourites!

Athen (Bat form) Erevus

astrodoesart claim!

Would prefer IC but if u can’t draw bats then here’s this guy:


finished : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1031796532560793632/1054938314861449346/IMG_6103.png

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Orion Asters jamalid

lonelysaturn Claim !

I would prefer that Orion be drawn.

But I can also propose:

- Owlyte Asters

- Octavia

- Mr. Wolfteeth

- Perséphone

If no one makes you want, feel free to take a look at all my ocs

EDIT: Hello! I wanted to say that I almost finished the drawing, I’m missing some fur effects and shade. maximum Saturday/Sunday I would have finished.


jamalid claim!

IC is preferred or




Done! (https://toyhou.se/~images/58722756)

Marcus Citrisz

rivpilot claim!!

Ic heavily prefered but https://toyhou.se/19350259.tsaritsa would be ok to!

To the person who claimed me, tysm for the art!!!


 ANI icyforests

claim! Citrisz

ic is preferred but i do have others here for the thread (besides for max ofc) https://toyhou.se/ttemperancexiv/characters/folder:3815558 


 Synth Nebvla

Claim! IC please!


$50/art Dask

Claim Nebvla

IC, either form (Jackalope/Wolf)

Edit: Finished

Lyco Adipo-cere

Claiming Dask

ic or take a look around my "it me" or "beloveds" folders for other options lol

completed: Dask https://sta.sh/01gyw17pcdel transferring image

tbn Accio

SkeleOpo Claim.

Finished! https://toyhou.se/~images/59930975

IC or anyone in my 'offlimits', 'sonas' or 'friends' folder.

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