Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This user's characters, art, stories, and other personal creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with the appropriate legal action.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus faucibus ante et lorem eleifend bibendum quis sit amet magna. Proin nec nulla eu velit iaculis sollicitudin. Fusce vitae tortor non odio varius viverra nec in odio. Maecenas quis sapien ante. Mauris dignissim dolor in felis laoreet, vel auctor lorem mollis. Sed at nulla aliquam dolor dapibus rutrum. In facilisis enim ut felis dictum, vel egestas mi sagittis. Phasellus et euismod arcu. Aliquam suscipit at velit in viverra.


Fav my OCs

Make a fanart of them

NSFW GORE ONLY! I only accept this shape. It can be from the soft to the extreme (tripe flying lol), it’s fine!

- The inspiration of colours. Nobody has all the rights to the colors so I allow you to take inspiration from them, but do not go so far as to plagiarize the oc in question. (I allow the colors, not the design).

Positive and negative comments

NSFW (Sexual, fetishistic) art of my OCs.

Share my art on other sites without my consent, you must first ask me and, in any case, credit me.

Make Offers on my OCs. They are all dear to me and will be there permanently. The only characters I will put on sale will be those that have been created to be sold.
Content warning


very short dressed character (this is not done for the purpose of hypersexualizing, I do this because I like it).

Sad Story (suicide, murder, curse, school harassment, scarification, depression, scientific experience...)

Darck humor, implied, insults...
  • all nasty and banished things in general, don’t be one of those assholes
  • Haters, I have nothing against constructive criticism, but if it’s to say, “It’s ugly,” “It’s shit,” or “I’ll do a lot better,” then it’s of no interest to me, it won’t help me and it’s purely public hatred. Go take it easy somewhere else.

Thanks for reading!

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

WARNING ! this character wears short clothes !


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