Draw the Soulsborne character above you!

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by ChosenUndeaad

I love Soulsborne games, but my characters don't get picked often in art games because of the complicated armor sets. Are you in the same situation as me? Then this thread is for you! :D

What games are counted as "Soulsborne"?
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls trilogy, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring characters are all welcome under this thread!


  • Ping the person you claim, and make sure to not skip anyone!
  • You have 1 month to finish your claim! If you need more time, please let the person you claimed know. Regardless, please try to finish your claim within a month!
  • Wait for two people to claim before claiming again! If no one has claimed in a while (like a week or more) you're allowed to claim again.
  • Put some effort into the art you're making! A flat-colored, clean halfbody is the minimum required. 
  • Please specify if you're comfortable with gore. NSFW is NOT allowed, this is a SFW thread. If you draw gore, please put the art under a spoiler with a content warning.
  • If you're found breaking the rules, you'll get a warning. If you break them a second time you'll be banned by the thread.
  • All skill levels are welcome! Please be kind to someone regardless if you like the art or not.
  • Please don't bump the thread too much! If it's on the first page of art games there is no need to bump it.

None, let's keep it that way :D

The first person to comment gets a free claim!

Red Sibyl Lavinia Pellanistra

Yes please! I love soulsborne games and have only just been coming down from my binge of them so i'm super excited for this!! 

IC or anyone from here would be amazing!

Edit: oml yesssss, i adore how you drew them, you did an amazing job!! and PLEASE DO! i'm so honored that you like them enough for that 😭 I am 1000% okay with you drawing more of them, thank you sooo much!




finally. I already posted some ER OCs here and I have some DS3 in the making.

I never get to draw humanoid characters, but I love literally everything about Dyfri, so I wanted to draw them. if you‘re okay with it, I’d love to draw a doodle page later this week to properly channel their chaotic energy. I think doodling their antics would be pretty fun, haha. 



Rettile claim !!

OHHH MY GOODNESS gonna tear into this thread ten fold ..

all i gots are bloodborne ocs atm looking 4 art of Arlo (priority) , Ishmael , or Lucius

im 100% ok with gore and its encouraged ^^, they got pretty decked out profiles except Luci's im workin on it but they also got relations if thats something yr into , as well bonus points if you wanna draw Arlo and Micolash interaction .. LAWL. if you want promts or more info my dms r open but just optional stuff i highly encourage just having fun with my absurd creatures




x_muddymcmeatz_x claim :^)

this thread is henceforth cursed


these are my faves, none have a personality they're mostly just self insert meme characters. the only one that has a proper outfit is the blonde chick in the bdsm getup, the rest will actually just wear anything. usually nothing at all tho. gore is fine.



I can't say no to the pink dude, so claiming popocaDice



I'd love art of any of my Bloodborne characters (Joshua has a tab with BB ref)


manual bump!

Tarnished (ER) greypij

Soulsborne thread   Claim ChosenUndeaad

IC is the only soulsborne OC I have at the moment, but he has two different designs. I don't have a preference for which design is used and gore's fine.




Claim! greypij

I shall humbly offer one of my bloodbone chars because my tarnisheds need pictures taken lmao
