Draw a Fan Character for the person above

Posted 7 years, 20 days ago (Edited 6 years, 13 days ago) by Prismakry


For more information please see this link, thanks!

Draw a Fan Character for the Person Above

Yep, it's me again, annoyed by me yet? lol. 

Ok, all silliness aside, we have plenty of design threads and threads for drawing people's OCs (which I know can include fan chars, but I digress) so how about one that's specifically for chars made for fandoms.

Whether it be a MMO char, a gemsona, a pokemon char, a Monster High/Ever After High char, a char for a video game series or a anime series, etc etc. If it was made for some sort of fandom, then they belong here! :) 


To try and counter various problems people have been complaining about from certain users in them submitting low effort art or claiming far too often, the following rule changes have been made:

❤ You can only claim once per page, instead of every 3 people. There are some exceptions to this which you can read in the rules below.
❤ All pieces must be at minimum a half body drawing and must be colored.
❤ You must finish your piece within a month. If more then a month has gone by and you have not contacted me or the person who you owe art to to give a valid reason, you will be immediately banned without any further discussion.

These changes have also been edited into the actual rules below, but I wanted to make this update notice here so nobody can see they didn't see the changes being put into place.

Rules and Info: 

❤ post to claim the person above you and edit the post once you finish (do not make a new post). Also it's usually nice to PM the person as well.
❤ Only one claim at a time and you can only claim once per page. The only exception to this is if 24 hours has passed and nobody has claimed the last person, then you may claim again if you've finished your piece. This includes if you have multiple accounts, you can still only claim once a page, if you are caught using another account to get more claims then that, you will be banned.
❤ Have at least 3 chars for people to choose from. if they aren't easy to tell which are fandom chars in your account then please link to the one's that are so people know which one's they can draw.
❤ Put good effort into your piece. You don't have to be the best artist ever, but you should at least put your all into your piece, colored pieces only no sketches. Trad or Digital both are fine. Must be at least a halfbody as well, no headshots allowed!
❤ Be thankful for the art you receive, no matter the skill level of the person. A small thank you can go a long way :)
❤ Pieces must be finished within a month from when they were claimed. We all understand things can happen and if you have a valid reason to be later then that please contact me and/or the person you owe art and an extension can be made, but if a month has gone by and there has been no contact you will be immediately banned.
❤ Do not put any monetary value on the art, this goes both to the person who drew it and the person it was drawn for if you ever sell your char do not add an added cost to the sale for this art.
❤ Since posts can be deleted now, it needs to be said that if you are caught deleting a thread to get out of a claim you will be AUTOMATICALLY BANNED from now only this game but any other forum games I currently also run or will run in the future.
❤ Also, since we can no longer see blocked users, just to make sure there isn't any confusion, please add the name of the user you are drawing for in your claim (you don't have to ping htem, just listing their name is enough).

And I guess that's it. 


I haven't gotten my art!

Has it been a month (or longer) and you haven't heard hide nor tail of the person who claimed you? Feel free to let me know and I can contact them, or post your unfinished claim on this thread and someone might be able to help!


Banned Users

The following users are not allowed to participate in this claim thread, if you see them posting please ignore their claim and do the person above them instead, thank you.

  • Maimai / Maimai976 / any other accounts they make
  • BlueLightningMoon / PurpleFlamingSun /any other accounts they make
  • kirakiraprince
  • starrmii 
  • spacecadet


My fandom chars can all be found in this folder, so give them a look! :)




((bumples. Will bump one more time in a few hours after this before I let the thread die, lol))

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CLAIM i really wanna draw some gems after last night's special lol.  should be done in a bit!
EDIT: chiliechii
boop!  here she be.   find the full size here!

all my fan characters are here!  take your pick :)



i'd absolutely love someone from here but if not someone from here works too!


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Thanks for helping get the thread going, guys


My fandom chars can all be found in these folders here

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