★»Draw a sketch for the OC above

Posted 2 months, 23 days ago by Hibycus

I think doing this with sketches is a good idea as this is stress less, easy and actually a good way to do a thread that'll be fast but still nice :) but ofc here's some rules for the thread to work the best as possible! 

» the minimum required is a sketchy bustshot, or course, you don't have to do more than a sketch, but you can! Tho, you have to send the sketch before the finished produce as the normal goal is sketch

» you have a max of 1 day to complete your claim, it's a sketch, it's not that long and you can do it at approximately any moment

» no nsfw or gore, try to stay as sfw as possible for the thread to be for everyrone!

»don't always claim the same person! Try to let 2 people claim them before doing it again. Also, you have to wait two people before claiming again: [you] [x] [x] [you]

That's all! Have fun! I'll start since it's my thread, any oc from my toyhouse is fine!

This user's account has been closed.
Strawberry Skydoggo

Claim Binky_Dink
IC or any of my characters if you'd prefer to draw any of them!

Done and sent

Tortal Anonwithabandana


maybe IC but anyone is fine 



Plaggy [51] SpeckDoggo

Claim! IC preferred Anonwithabandana

But anyone here is fine; 


Edit; finished • Edit 2; thanks so much! Love how it turned out and I love your style aaaahh


Milo Toxinlem

Claim SpeckDoggo

Ic or anyone here https://toyhou.se/Toxinlem/characters/tags:1/folder:all/order:images_asc/tagged:50 

Done https://toyhou.se/~images/77472091

Mocha Skydoggo

Claim Toxinlem
Ic or anyone in their folder (or anyone in here if you want to sketch some humans)

Finished and sent

Nari Wolfiemix

Claim! Skydoggo Done!

IC preferred, but anyone here works






Manual bump!


Claim Wolfiemix !

Done! https://toyhou.se/24214286.art-examples/26201848.sketch-icon#79838903


Anyone under This Tag


claim! Conan_moss

anyone here or here :>


Claim atacalepsy !!

Anyone from this folder (Eggcat OCs) would be cool  :3

Finished art: https://toyhou.se/~images/79869674

 Nebi coalas

claim! eggcatmaki

ic, his s/o or any of his siblings (here, here) would be great <3

[edit] finished and sent! decided to add a little color ;v;

[edit 2] thank you so much Snagglefangs, he looks adorable <3




i'd really love somethin done of eli or waites!

✦ Xander ge0detic

🌟 claim! (finished)

and could i get a sketch of xander :^D


Claiming ge0detic 

Anybody here is good! :3 
