Create a weapon for the character above you!

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Saltminer

So yeh basically what it says

Some characters are pretty great! But you know what would make them greater? A thematically coherent weapon. So draw one for the OC above you! This can range from silly to completely serious. You can also request what kind of weapon you would like the person below you to draw— dont Get hyper-specific, but do give at least a base premise if you have an idea! 


Claim if you need to, finish in 2-3 weeks.

“I think a spear would be fitting for this character!” Instead of “I want an AK-47 that can fit 30 clips in it, is hot pink, and can also turn into a mech!”

Nothing too brutal. This is about having fun, not making horrible torture devices. If you must, use a spoiler.

Have fun!

So let’s start with my magical girl here! She would have a blue heart-themed magical girl wand or baton.




maybe some sort of bow or healers/suport idem for her or something sharp/maybe a bat for her?

Haimati SapphireBatWings



Maybe a guitar based weapon for Haia. Horen (she has more of an East Asian aesthetic so maybe something like that) and Zakka (I don't really have anything in particular in mind for her) are also options. 

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Trying one more bump to revive.

 Yu Yan (Mistress) pandaAWAKE

Claim SpiritX

Done! Hope you like it. Will note one in better quality.

A few choices 

IC: Could imagine her with a music instrument as a weapon, or something she could wear without it sticks out. 

Ru Shi: Could imagine her with daggers, or similiar.

Agnes: A fun weapon for someone at her age, more meant as a joke then a real weapon.

Senya: Could imagine her using a staff, as she is a healer. But any kind of weapon she could heal with, or objects like books etc.

Edit: Aaaaa this looks so fun!? And happy to hear you enjoyed creating it. <3 Thank you!


pandaAWAKE Claim! 


Mary - Just make it something she would've DIY'ed

Jax - Could be anything! 

Milo - Less a weapon and more of something he torments other kids with

Done :3

Made sure it was usable for both everyday use and more "confrontational" situations. in all seriousness though i had so much fun doing this!



Rabid_Buni claim!

Phrixus on Toyhouse - anything


BluLexie claim!
Val Mortem a long sword or a set of daggers, or something agile and not heavy please ;3 


60877803_pYlxuszge6fuanF.pnghope u like it!

Achi SapphireBatWings


Went for the long sword idea.  Golden blade, with a darker gold filigree and some magenta gems.


Something for IC, Haimati, Zakka, Bella, or Hype. A scythe for Lara would work too. Luzale is another option.

 Yu Yan (Mistress) pandaAWAKE

Had so much fun last time, I will join agian.

Done, a weapon to your reaper Lara. Will note it in a better quality.


Claim SapphireBatWings

A few choices

Senya: Could imagine her using a staff, as she is a healer. But any kind of weapon she could heal with, or objects like books/bells etc.

IC: Could imagine her with a music instrument as a weapon, or something she could wear without it sticks out.

Tenea: Could be fun to see what weapon you would choose, to a siren under water.

Edit: Thank you so much for the staff! I hope you had fun creating it, I really like the idea with the gold detail around the staff and the large gem at the top.


I am very interested in trying this! Even if I am very inexperienced! I would definitely be interested in trying anyways!

Claim pandaAWAKE

I would love to see something for my main sona! Something that could link to his shapeshifting even! Or even link to some means to cast transmutive magic! (As transmutation is a big theme in my sona.)

I'll add more choices later, but anyone on my TH who isn't pending a redesign (It will have a sub-section in WIP OCs), or an adopt is open!

I will edit this with the finished image when done! (It shouldn't be too long hopefully!)

Okay, I have decided to do a simple design! It is somewhat rough around the edges, but should be a good draft if you wanted to do something more!

Generally, my idea for this was a staff, taking inspiration from the serpent on healing staffs to create a gold, pipe-like structure around the staff, embedded with seemingly random emerald crystals, with a large sapphire gem, which would be the main source, and collecting point of all of the magical energy, having a small bell on the bottom.

I also added two grab handles near the bottom, inspired by the sword design from this video, giving more versatility to how you hold it.
The image can be found below! (Spoilered so it won't flood.)
