Create a weapon for the character above you!

Posted 5 years, 7 months ago (Edited 5 years, 7 months ago) by Saltminer

So yeh basically what it says

Some characters are pretty great! But you know what would make them greater? A thematically coherent weapon. So draw one for the OC above you! This can range from silly to completely serious. You can also request what kind of weapon you would like the person below you to draw— dont Get hyper-specific, but do give at least a base premise if you have an idea! 


Claim if you need to, finish in 2-3 weeks.

“I think a spear would be fitting for this character!” Instead of “I want an AK-47 that can fit 30 clips in it, is hot pink, and can also turn into a mech!”

Nothing too brutal. This is about having fun, not making horrible torture devices. If you must, use a spoiler.

Have fun!

So let’s start with my magical girl here! She would have a blue heart-themed magical girl wand or baton.


Gotta love that IC post glitch

Serafina Sixbane

I could claim

I havent tried a strictly-weapon design in years but It was fun so I hope you like it anyway!


I'd love a weapon for Sara here! I think a spear or polearm of some sort would suit!

 Elena lirrie


shed love a sword or staff


Hanakage SakuraBean



I've never designed a weapon before so I did my best! I had tons of fun and I love your character and the weapon I made for her!




Maybe an ornate dagger? Or whatever you think would fit!


Sixbane omg I didn’t deserve such a beautiful weapon ;A; absolutely gorgeous!! I’ll draw her with it ASAP!!

Achi SapphireBatWings

Claim 'cuz I need practice drawing weapons. So why not revive an old thread lmao?

SakuraBean At first I was going to give her a samurai sword but honestly, the fur and the gloves kind of just gave me a tribal spear vibe. 


This post has been removed.

Claim I'm gonna revive this thread!

Any sort of fantasy Esqe weapon would be good for me! No guns.

Feel free to pick anyone in my Sonas and Mascots folder, my Favorites folder, my Zelda folder, or my Dungeons and Dragons folder



Any of my characters is fine! It is a modern fantasy sort of feel, so both firearms and traditional weaponry work just fine!

Edit: Done! I chose Eliwyn for the weapon(s) I made; they are so cute! Also, I love playing rouges whenever I'm not the DM, so I just went with the three weapons I use most on Rouge: crossbow, dagger, and darts. Sorry if it isn't too good, I'm still getting used to digital, haha.


Myra 2425stories


edit - finished! I thought a warm-toned hammer would suit Olva! This is my first time designing a weapon so I hope you like it! :3


Any sort of sci-fi esque weapon would be great!

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EDIT : Marzipan has been moved to a different account, she can now be found here 

I'll claim - DONE
Went with a crystal glaive/guandao !
Marzipan's a very gentle moo mama, so maybe something based more in support, such as a healer's staff/wand/etc