obligatory getting to know you thread

Posted 9 years, 1 month ago (Edited 8 years, 11 months ago) by catling

it's been such a long time since I moderated a forum
sweats profusely lmao

but yeah hi, I'm catling and I make these critters called
sugarbits, obviously! I currently have a whole bunch of
them myself but my main character is Persephone who
will probably get an intro post later?

it took me ages to figure out the css here

lies down


Hello, I am MatchCense aka Hotel or Ashe. I own Ross and Tilly, Tilly was a custome gift from my friend after she explained to me what a surgarbit was. I fell in love with them! ^.^ I knew I wanted a fluffy bit that loves snow. ( Which what is Tilly is based off of, winter time ) Tilly's big grey eyes can make anybody fall in love with her. When I noticed that Ross was draw to adopt I had to get my paw in on the action. At first I was like...Nah, I have one already but I kept looking at him. His soft colors reminded me of spring, growth, nature and plants. Which in light made the story between Tilly and Ross <3. I hope to draw more pictures of them together and hopefully one day expand my bit family to make a whole new pack. ( So, Tilly and Ross can go on adventures with the crew and not have to worry about being made fun of. )


I love your sugarbit babies so much cries

you made such cute stories for them!!