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You stumble through a forest, leafy tendrils trip you
as you go and you curse your city-born clumsiness.

It can't be far from here, right?

You think to yourself. As if on cue, a high, clear melody
sounds out from the canopy of nearby trees. Startled at
your good luck, you begin to follow it, ignoring the barbed
foliage which is now tearing at your clothes, hair, and skin.

This has to be it!

You've read about the songs of the Sugarbits, but know know
that you are lucky to happen upon the right kind of colony at
the right kind of day to hear one. Now you're running, breath
ragged in your throat. as the trees thin.

A gasp frees itself from your lips before you can stop it, as
you finally crash into a clearing. Looking up you see them -
a crisscrossed network of ropes, vines and platforms. The
singing is louder here, many voices blending together and
you catch far-off response calls, sweetly harmonising with
the songs of the hundreds of Sugarbits who must be hidden
amongst the treetops.

At last, you're here. 
Remembering your studies, you drop into a respectful bow
and clear you mind as best you can of the racing thoughts
that are sparkling in your brain like fireworks. You will the
Sugarbits to accept you, to accept your good will towards
their homes and families as their song quiets a little. You
feel a subtle disturbance in your aura. They have begun to
read your mind and your intentions. Soon, the presence is
gone, and you open your eyes, unclench the fists you didn't
even realise you made.

Light as a feather, a single Sugarbit drops down onto the
ground before you. A female, you think? Sugarbits don't
bother to greatly distiguish themselves as one gender or
another, but your species is more accustomed to classfiying.

She smiles, and dips her head slightly in your direction. You
have been accepted. She is smaller than you expected, around
three feet tall from her feet to the top of her head, and she has
to  reach up to gently take hold of your hand. On your other side,
another Sugarbit has arrived soundlessly to aid with your ascent
and with your nodded consent, the pair gently levitate you
towards the treetops.

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