[T] Steam Games for Art/Char Trades

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Prismakry

Hopefully this is allowed on here, I assume it is since you can sell art for cash and this is essentially similar.

Hey all. I'm Prisma and I have a problem. I buy too many games that I'll never play! As in I buy a lot of humble bundles and such for only like -one- game in the pack and then the rest of the keys just sit around unused forever, and I figured instead of letting them go away into obscurity or trying to force them on my friends, let's try and get something outta them. I like art, I like painties, after speaking to the mods I found I am allowed to trade games for such items, but not FV items (since they count as real world currency in an offhand way)

Anyway, tl;dr, I have games, you have art, let's trade.

Table of Contents

Post 1 - intro/you are here
Post 2 - How The Trades Will Work
Post 3 - The Game List
Post 4 - Pinglist
Post 5 - Art I want
Post 6 - Chars I like
Post 7 - Forms to fill out


I wonder if people would like if I went further and organized the games list by general genre of game (like RPG, platformer, etc etc) it'll be a lot of work on me to do so but I don't mind if it'd help people ^.^






















Username: Sanmedare
Examples of your Art: Commission info
Price range you usually sell for: I'll be offering 20$-25$ worth of art!
The game(s) you are wanting: Maize (20$)
What you want to draw for me: Anyone! I only ask that they shouldn't be bald or hasĀ clean haircuts ! //determinedtodrawcharactersI'munusedto
Any other info I should know?: I have a week break atm so I should be able to show at least WIPs by next week! Also, I'm not only limited to one character per drawing, I can draw couples if you'd like!


"I wonder if people would like if I went further and organized the games list by general genre of game (like RPG, platformer, etc etc) it'll be a lot of work on me to do so but I don't mind if it'd help people ^.^"

Oh! I think it could help for some : oo I would guess that most of us would be clicking one by one only because we don't know what some games are.

I think adding the main genre(s), mostly gameplay genres (Visual Novel, RPG,etc), would help, I think :oo

When I first knew about this thread, I literally clicked through every single games. xD

Octavia Prismakry

Sanmedare haha welcome back :)

How about a fullbody shaded linework of this char of mine (the char posted as IC, Octavia). any of her outfits posted in her gallery are fine to draw, including the ones by other people. She is a little chubby though so if you don't think you can draw that well let me know and I'll pick one of my skinnier chars, as it's pretty important to me that people draw her accurate in that regard ^.^'

and yeah I'm probably gonna do that organization at some point it'll just be a big undertaking so it'll be a while xD


S-Shaded? Bare in mind that it's really experimental ; v ; But thank you for giving me the chance to experiment at least!

No worries! It won't be my first drawing chubby characters c: I may also need the transcript again!