$20USD Full-body Human & Furry Pagedolls [FULL]

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago (Edited 9 months, 21 days ago) by aLIEz

[ Pagedoll Commissions ]  [ Fullbody Commissions ]


I need some money for a driving lesson next Monday (& transport to my new job) so I'm taking commissions (unlimited slots) in this kind of style:

Each commission is $20 (USD)


Finished commissions:



[ Commission Queue ]

Commission form:

Post your commission form below to claim a slot. Payment must be made via Paypal before I start the commission.

Username: x

Character page/ref: x

Additional notes: x

Have you read and agreed to the Terms of Service?: x

I'm also good at Sonic and TMNT characters so if you'd like a commission in one of those styles let me know and we can work it out ^^

Thanks for looking! :)


got it!!


Re-opening with a price reduction because I have some urgent bills to pay


DOOMDEVIL Omg their design is so cool! I’ll DM you in a sec ^^


hello!!!! me again :] i cant resist your art style

Username: DrLuminata

Character page/ref: Main Ref

Additional notes: luna is 12, so she has very round and babyish sort of features. additionally, she's a little bit on the chubbier side, and she tends to have a very furrowed and angry sort of expression just about 24/7. her eyespots (long blue curled things on the back of her head) are an essential part of her design, but her whiskers are not, so if they end up looking odd on the pagedoll then feel free to just omit them! additionally, she often has her little crescent (golden crystalline moon thing in her other works) floating behind her in between her eyespots. i would prefer she not be drawn with the cloak in her ref for this! also, the constellations on her waistcoat are andromeda and cepheus, and the ones on her pants are pavo and leo minor (though you're free to just draw whatever if you'd like ^^' )

Have you read and agreed to the Terms of Service?: always :3c


DrLuminata Omg hi! I'd love to draw Luna! I'll DM you in a sec :]


OMG Hi I hope I'm not too late for these! ;w;

Username: Aurabolt
Character page/ref: Himmmmm
Additional notes: Please do their human form only, the first image is his ref! Also the grey things on his head are ears, like horse ears, just wanted to mention it in case it's unclear at all, other than that go crazy, he’s a bit silly and goofy and messed up and evil so do with that as you will! I don’t take him seriously at all so please just have fun with him! :D
Have you read and agreed to the Terms of Service?: Absolutely! Done and read <3


Aurabolt You're not too late! :D I'll DM you

↱ PROJECT STARDUST [Blitz] . empcthiic

hihi before ordering i just wanted to check and see if this character would be okay for you to draw ? ik they've got a lot going on so i wanted to be sure first-- dfgJHGF ^w^


empcthiic Yeah they should be fine! ^^

↱ PROJECT STARDUST [Blitz] . empcthiic

awesome thank you !!

Username: empcthiic

Character page/ref: ic

Additional notes: i don't think so, everything super important about them is on their page ! feel free to play around with their outfits and accessories to your heart's content. the only consistent accessories are his boots, collar, and earrings.

Have you read and agreed to the Terms of Service?: yes !


empcthiic DMed you ^^


Are these still open? :D


LeniProduction Yes they are! What were you after? :]


Username: Kazime

Character page/ref: https://toyhou.se/22790110.kaizen/gallery

Additional notes: I'd like him drawn with his bow. Also his right (our left) horn is broken!

Have you read and agreed to the Terms of Service?: Yes!