
Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 3 years, 1 month ago) by Hag



Tysm!!! <3


Hello there! I have come to drop in and say I had a few characters that peeked my interest. My fastest turn around stuff right now is my semi chibi style. I absolutely can do multiple pieces for you. My most recent couple interactive piece is in the works rn so I will post a wip. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/527244292775870464/767163166421155881/Commissions_2019Red_RidingHood.png Willing to work with you for offers: https://toyhou.se/KiyasamatheInu/art

Characters I am interested in : https://toyhou.se/1846244.-





KiyasamatheInu i had to think on it bc i love your style, but the more i considered it the more i couldn't fathom who to give you to draw ;___; so i'm gonna pass! regardless, thank you so much for being thoughtful in your offer!! <3


Hag haha! I am so happy to hear you love my art! If you ever think of anything please feel free to hit me up



Here you can find my prices if you are interested ✨

There are a lot of examples in my account, I can draw any kind of character c: 


Furekah lov your style, who were you interested in?


Any character you think my art is worth! 

I would love you to tell me a few characters you think that will be okay for my art c: 

I know that there are a lot of character but if you think that someone will be more adapt for me don't worry to tell 💕


Furekah this is very unconventional for me XD i gave it an attempt because i quite enjoy your style and if any (or all?) of these interest you, i am fine with parting for them for either art or customs (i saw the link in your commissions thread ^^ )


I'm pretty inferested in the second one 💕 

Also sure!! Both art or custom are okay :3 


Furekah ooh, okay, i'd be happy to trade them!
i will send you a PM with details soon so we can discuss what works for you in trade ♥


seeing-sheep I'm interested in trading some + the gaia avi as gift, but not all, unfortunately! Would that completely nullify your offer? Lmk! ^^/


seeing-sheep this is super tough bc i looooove all your styles, buuuuut.... would you be down for like, 2 fullbody chibis and 1 semi-realistic halfbody? i'm not looking for special bgs or anything intensive, just wanting to focus on showing off the designs in however you see fit XD! but those three designs you linked in the last response i'd be more than fine to trade!