Posted 4 years, 8 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 months ago) by Avistella

This thread is closed. Please check again at a later date.


DECEMBER 11: Closing requests bc I'm tired and need time to rest.

Rules/ Guidelines:

  • Not FCFS. I will be selective and fill requests in whichever order I'd like.
  • I will work with up to two character(s) maximum. Please actually link to the character(s) you'd like written. I will not go through your account to look for them.
  • I will work with characters/ relationships of any sexuality.
  • These freebies are short stories, meaning I will only work with characters that already have some form of development. I do not offer biographies or headcanons.
  • These freebies will be around 100 to 300 words only. As such, I will only consider requests that have a general prompt as opposed to a more specific one.
  • Please have the personality of your character(s) listed somewhere, whether on their profiles or in your request form.
  • The following are reserved for trades/ commissions only and are not something I'm offering for these freebies:
    • Fan Characters/ Canon x OC
    • NSFW/ Gore
    • RPF (Real People Fiction)/ Sonas
  • You may upload your freebie to your character(s)' Literatures and/ or off-site so long as proper credit to me is given.
  • Please practice common courtesy. I am offering my time and effort to you for nothing in exchange. Do not drop-and-ditch. The very least you can do is offer a word of thanks.
  • You may request again only if two months have passed since I filled your previous request. If six months have passed and I still haven't filled your initial request, you may request again but with different character(s).
  • CanineKing gets special family privileges; he's the only one who doesn't have to follow my rules/ guidelines.


More samples can be found here (my previous Writing Freebies thread) and here (my AO3).

A large grin is plastered on Akira's face, his eyes carrying a bright shine to them. Alicia and Jin happen to catch sight of him, and they're curious to know what the reason is for his quite obvious joy. Alicia sneaks up on him from behind, peering over Akira's shoulder and asks, "What's that?"

The young officer jumps, a startled exclamation leaving him. "Gah?! Oh, Alicia... It's just you." Akira exhales a sigh of relief before shaking his head and proceeding to answer her previous question, his gaze falling down to the box in his hand. "It's a bunch of macarons I bought for Stells-- er, I mean, Stella."

There's teasing lilt in Jin's voice as he asks, "Ah, you mean that girlfriend of yours you're always gushing about?"

Akira's cheeks become visibly red as he hastily tries to defend himself, "I-I don't gush about her all the time!"

"Riiight," Alicia responds, unconvinced with a knowing smirk on her face. "You just gush about her 99% of the time while the remainin 1% is when you're focused on work. In any case, aren't those super expensive? What's the occasion?"

"There's no occasion," Akira answers, thankful for thenslight shift in topic. "Stella's been going through a really tough time, so I wanted to try cheering her up with one of her favourite desserts."

Both Jin and Alicia stare at their younger coworker for a moment before breaking out into wide grins. They both pat Akira on the shoulder, much to his confusion. He's so smitten with Stella, it's rather endearing for outsiders like them to watch, and they find themselves rooting for the couple.

"I'm sure Stella would appreciate the gesture, especially since it's from you."

The night air is cool against Lilianna's skin as she links her arm with Dimitri's, the two taking a leisurely stroll of sorts around the monastery. Every now and then, they come across a corpse or pile of one that has yet to be given a proper burial. She closes her eyes every time they encounter one of the deceased, but Dimitri looks on ahead, unwavering, though there is a hint of melancholy hiding behind his features.

The two find themselves in the part of the monastery where the gazebo once stood tall and proud, and they decide to take a small break. Lilianna unlinks herself from the hardened prince and rubs her arms to generate some heat. She had opted against bringing her overcoat, thinking it wouldn't be necessary.

Dimitri glances down at her before breathing out a sigh. He slips off his cloak and instead drapes it over his lover's cold shoulders. It's quite big on her, the furs making it look like they're engulfing her, and a small chuckle makes its way past Dimitri's lips. It's a peculiar feeling. He hasn't laughed like this—a genuine laugh without malice or scorn—for a long time.

Lilianna stares at his face, and it looks like she too is surprised at the sound that he had made. Dimitri's expression then turns contemplative, tilting his head to the side as his fingertips delicately stroke the woman's cheek. "How strange..." he muses. It almost sounds like he's talking to himself, but Lilianna hangs on to his every word. "Back in the Academy, I always thought you couldn't get any more beautiful than you alrady were, yet here you are, having proved me wrong..."

Lilianna doesn't know what kind of face to make, but there's no denying that her heart had skipped a beat from his words. She buries her face a bit deeper into the furs of his cloak. The smell of blood lingers on it, but somehow, she can't find it in herself to be disgusted by it. Rather than be disgusted by the scent, her chest becomes painfully tight that it would be something associated with the prince.

Green, wide eyes stare at the small, flickering flame on the table in front of her. A simple candle. The power had gone out due to the heavy storm raging outside, and Nuria couldn’t remember why they decided to use candlelight when there should have been other alternatives. Not that it particularly matters since it’s such a tiny little flame and there’s nothing to worry about. Or so Nuria tries to tell herself.

A flame. A spark.

In the quiet room, the young woman’s thoughts wander back to a memory that seems so distant in a sense, but one still very haunting. It lingers in the corners of her mind, and guilt settles deep in the pit of her stomach. Her memories always start out bittersweet. Yes, there were difficulties she faced as a child, but she had a family who loved and cared for her.


Nuria’s heart lurches in her chest, and she feels sick. She ignores the beating rain against the window, something she usually enjoys, and instead merely focuses on the flame that mockingly dances in front of her. In her mind’s eye, she can see the hot colours of red, orange, and yellow, spread and grow. They fill her entire vision and consumes everything.


  • RATING: General | Teen (the difference between the two is that Teen may have cursing, violence, and/or sensitive subject matter while General has none of that)
  • GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Friendship, Other...
  • POINT OF VIEW: First (I, me, we...) | Second (You...) | Third (He, she, they...) [note: if choosing First POV and requesting two characters to work with, please specify from which character's POV]
  • PROMPT: (optional, but increases the likelihood of me writing something)

Plan to Fill:

The list below are requests I'm highly considering on filling, but it isn't definite. This is more of a personal reminder for me to keep track of which requests I want to do if my health allows it.

  • to be updated later

CashlessDrake07 : I'll admit I was extremely confused as to what you meant by "gender", and I can only assume you meant "genre" instead. Since you only gave me one character to work with, I couldn't write a friendship genre, so this is more slice-of-life than anything else. I hope that's fine!

A book nestled comfortably on my lap and a cup of freshly brewed tea by my side... Truly, this was what being at peace is all about. Although the weather was so comfortably nice outside, I had opted to spend my time indoors for the time being and loose myself in yet another fascinating story. Nevertheless, it would be a waste to not enjoy such a good day, so I made sure to open the window and allow a pleasant breeze to come inside and tickle my cheeks.

Unknowingly, a smile made its way onto my lips, my heart feeling at ease. It was a fluttery feeling that was very much welcome. My eyes fell back to the words in front of me, the rhythmic sound of flipping pages being the only thing to fill the room. Before I knew it, a significant amount of time had passed, and I figured I spent more than enough time lost in the world that this author created.

I shut the book and let out a small breath, a sense of satisfaction filling my chest. I stood up from my seat and smoothed out my clothes. Well then, it's time to go, but there's still time in the near future to continue reading.


CanineKing : My sense of humour is abysmal, but hopefully this will suffice. It was fun writing Ace like a dumbass lol.

"Your cat is evil incarnate! Evil!" Ace yells hysterically as though possessed, pointing their finger towards Simon who settles himself in Mel's arms, purring innocently.

The woman sends Ace a quizzical look before her expression turns unimpressed. She heaves out an exasperated sigh, almost as if this was a regular occurence by now. She shifts Simon around in her arms to a more comfortable position and holds her precious feline closer to her chest like she wants to protect him from Ace's accusatory words.

"Don't you think you're being overdramatic?" Mel asks, hoping to give Ace a chance to redeem themselves from any further embarrassment. They're making a complete fool of themselves, Mel thinks, but she doesn't wish to wound his pride any more than this.

"I'm not!" They insist, still frantic as ever. "Here, look! He scratched me so hard that they left scars!"

Mel glances down at the scars on Ace's arms that they're showingher before bringing her gaze back up to their face. Her expression is completely deadpan as she reminds them, "You've had those scars before I introduced Simon to you."

A moment of silence passes by, the two staring at each other before Ace looks down at their arm. They blink once in surprised realization. "...Oh yeah, you're right." They're quick to shake their head however and continue with their argument, "My point still stands! Your cat is evil!"

Mel sighs for the umpteenth time, having had enough of Ace's attitude towards her beloved pet. "Simon may be mischievous at times, but he's an extremely sweet boy. I don't know where you're getting this idea that he's evil from."

Ace, realizing that Mel isn't going to budging on this any time soon decides to switch the topic around. "...Fine. Let me ask you this, then. If you had to choose between me or Simon, who would you choose?"

"..." The woman remains quiet as she contemplates on her answer.

Ace's face turns horrified. "Uh, wait. What's with that long pause?"

Mel, with an unchanging expression, responds with a surprisingly calm and even tone, "I have to think about that. Now then, if you'll excuse me, I have things to do."

The woman turns on her heel, leaving a very dumbfounded Ace who's starting to question if maybe they really are just imagining things. Just then, Simon's face peeks out from behind Mel's shoulder and locks eyes with them. His face looks as though they're taunting Ace, telling them that "yeah, that's right. She'll choose me of course" which makes Ace's temper rise.

No, they aren't mistaken. Mel's cat is definitely evil.


ace isn't a dumbass!!!!! they're TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1488348519924.jpg(but also thank u for the writing i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ace is only stupid jealous tho so u.u)


billiegoats : Since I didn't have much information on the guy Brooke bumps into, I kept it a bit more vague. I hope that's okay, and I hope you like it!

It's been a while since I last visited the library. The school tends to put new books on the shelves every year, so I probably missed out on some good romance books to read, but at least now I have the time and chance to browse through them. A lot of the titles are familiar to me as I've already read through them, but there are a few that piqued my interest.

I'm not usually one to judge a book by its cover, but I will admit that certain decorative covers catch my attention more than others. I pull out a velvet covered book and briefly scan through the synopsis. It seems interesting enough, and I decide to read it a bit more thoroughly, my legs on auto-pilot as I walk down the aisle.

Because I was so engrossed, I end up bumping into someone, pulling me back to the present. I raise my head from the book in my hand to apologize, but the words stop short on my tongue. The guy in front of me is somebody I recognize from my animation class. For a moment, I can't help but simply stare at him, dumbfounded. This section of the library is for romance novels and is a perfect haven for a hopeless romantic such as myself. I never expected to find him here. I wonder if there's a reason for him being here.


closing soon

I will be closing this thread soon as I'm feeling low about the content I create as of late and need to take a step back and focus on myself. I'll reopen this when I'm feeling better, so if interested in a freebie, now's your last chance before I close this thread for an indefinite amount of time.


(aa i'm on mobile sorry)

CHARACTER(S): https://toyhou.se/4007000.balaton-sona-


GENRE: slice of life (aah i don't know what genre this classifies as :'000 )

POINT OF VIEW: Third please :)

PROMPT: just him chilling in a car, since he's on a long road trip with his humans (two adults and two kids, i leave the genders of all of them up to you! <3) and they stopped at a gas station. he's supposed to wait for them there, but he gets bored, walks around the parking lot and finds a bunny. he likes it so much, that he immediately snatches the poor thing up and runs into the gas station to show it to his owners. (and maybe causes a bit of a ruckus when the bunny accidentally gets lost inside)

on his profile, there's a subheader titled 'doggo version' if you scroll below his 'about' section! if you could write him similar to what's described there, that'd be awesome! <3 basically, he's a tall doggo who thinks and acts like a human, and understands them, but can't speak (he can only bark/whine/etc).


Thread is open again

Depression sucks and I want to feel like I'm doing something useful(?) rather than just lie in bed in my own self-pity, so uh. Feel free to request!


CHARACTER(S): since i have a family discount, you can choose b/w either erhard/ vistalita or ace/ mel (before version) uwu

RATING: General

GENRE: Fluff (+humour i guess??)

POINT OF VIEW: Third (He, she, they...)

PROMPT: it's pocky day so. do smth w/ that lol


CanineKing : Duuude, Ace and Mel's relationship prior to The Incident(tm) is so different from what I'm used to lol. I hope I was able to portray them properly here

Mel stares at Ace's profile, her head curiously tilted to the side as she watches the Hunter nibble on a small snack. It's a bit strange to say that she's fascinated with such an everyday and mundane sight, but can she really blame herself when all these new feelings have blossomed in her heart? Then again, she isn't to sure what to call these foreign feelings, but she can't deny that they're there either.

"Can I have one?" Mel asks, breaking the silence in between the two during this short break of theirs.

Ace hums distractedly in approval and offers the small and narrow box of their Pocky treat to the demon. Mel smiles and takes one, though it's quickly consumed by her. She glances back to the box and realizes that there's only one Pocky left. Just before Ace can grab it, Mel snatches it away from their grasp.

"Hey!" Ace snaps back to reality upon the realization that their snack was stolen from them. "That was mine!"

A mischievous smile appears on Mel's lips, and she places the top portion of the treat in her mouth. Her eyes peer up at the Hunter, and they carry a silent challenge as though to say "what are you gonna do about it?"

Mel puffs out her chest, ready to claim victory before a shadow passes over her face. Ace had suddenly leaned in, their face much closer to hers. They part open their mouth and take the remaining portion of the snack in between their teeth. Their lips are dangerously close to Mel, and she wants to retract in embarrassment, but it seems like her mind has stopped functioning for a moment.

Ace bites off the piece of Pocky in their mouth and proceeds to lean back as they eat it. They look down at Mel who's furiously trying to hide her blush from their behaviour. Unbeknownst to them, they end up smirking. "Mine."



Keiichiro SpaceSheepy

CHARACTER(S): Keiichiro (posted IC as) and Mizuki (he doesn't have a profile at the moment but info about him is also on keiichiros page) in case you need appearance info Mizuki has lightly long brown hair and brown eyes and sort of a baby face

Also for personality Keiichiro is very closed off except when it comes to Mizuki and is kinda like a dog with its tail between its legs all the time because he's scared, he acts grumpy a lot. And Mizuki is extremely anxious and awkward but super sweet.


GENRE: Fluff, romance


PROMPT: maybe like their first date? 

Thanks so much for considering! And I totally get if you choose not to do it, I mean you just did the song request for me so I'm totally fine if you decide not to do this one! But I'd just love to see someone else's take on my characters, especially two who I love writing with as much as these two boys lol


I'd love to request another story if it's OK to do so!

If you're interested, I'd really like something with these guys:

  • CHARACTER(S): https://toyhou.se/2545738.armin and https://toyhou.se/5369538.ivy
  • RATING: Teen
  • GENRE: Friendship? I'm terrible at picking genres, haha.
  • POINT OF VIEW: Either first-person from Armin's POV, or third-person
  • PROMPT: These guys have a weird relationship. They don't exactly like each other much, but they developed a grudging respect for each other after weeks of fighting bad guys together. (You can find more details about them in the 'Relationships' section of either of their profiles.) Maybe the prompt could be them fighting some kind of monsters together while simultaneously bickering/insulting each other? It seems like the kind of thing they'd do. XD
  • Random note if you do the above prompt: Ivy fights with a pistol and Armin fights with a sword.
  • CHARACTER(S): Hal and Silas
  • RATING: Teen 
  • GENRE: Fluff or friendship and action, or angst and hurt
  • POINT OF VIEW: Third
  • PROMPT: The two out in the night working on a job, perhaps hacking or stealing, and the two pretty much interracting with each other during their job, and maybe reacting to getting or almost getting caught. Or they could have a huge argument over a job they just almost or were not able to accomplish because of Hal being too focused on things that weren't the job or something and the two having just a really bad argument and split up at the end.