Practicing face shapes (human/humanoid ocs) open

Posted 4 years, 2 months ago (Edited 4 years, 2 months ago) by MajaDraws

Update: Feel free to keep posting your ocs, I am going to be using this thread for warm ups etc. And if I don’t draw your oc now I might return to it later!

Hello! I've been feeling like all of my face shapes are starting to become similar so I think some practice is in order.

These will be fast uncolored headshot sketches, again I just want to practice.

I am not going to draw everyone, only some ocs.

If you want to submit please do not give me very anime looking characters/characters with almost no facial features, thank you.

The art will probably look something like this V but I am not sure what art style I'll go for



mofnking ocs with facia scars are my weakness (i swear like 80% of my ocs that aren’t uploaded have facial scars oops)



im on the floor.. dead, gone, muffin is deceased... you made my boy so beautiful and im eternally grateful thamk you!! (and right!! facial scars are my big weakness, especially when they’re tied to those delish story details. i’m so sorry to all my scarred kids but I’m not gonna stop dhfjfk)


I really like your style! I have a lot of characters with lots of different face shapes!

Delilah has more of a rounder, chubbier face 

or theres Duke who has more of a squarer, muscular face as well as a wonky nose ;0

 "Ptashka" 💮 night is young paperflesh

I'll leave my girl here~


I'm glad you were able to practice drawing younger characters with Arun then! I love this. Thank you for drawing him C:
(I can definitely see the differences in face shapes from the sketches you've drawn by the way, good job o uo)b )


Hanae Thank you! I am really glad the faces look different, I am trying my best to push features more 🙏


Kree-Kat i am a simple being,, give me a pirate oc and I am in love



Came in to say your sketches looks really neat!!


Rainbow000Pegasus Aw, thank you!!


Angel-soma I never draw/have any characters like this so it was definitely good practice! Hope it looks alright



feel free to try anyone from here if you like!!:

gl with your practice! uvu <33


I have this feminine boy character if you want to try:


aaa he looks great in your style!! Thanks so much for drawing him!! ; w ;

 Merle ktensai

did i hear facial scars : D