Draw My OCs? c:

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 1 month ago) by sleepyamaurotine

Leaving this here if anyone's interested~ Anything is fine as long as it isn't NSFW c:

Lailah is who I'm mostly wanting art for, but otherwise anyone in the "art wanted" tag~

Here are some options if you feel like doing a couple *mostly OC x canon stuff, sorry ^^;* : https://toyhou.se/2896769.art-wishlist/3526265.02-couples

Thanks for taking a look/considering~ c:

no art trades for now ><



I'd love to trade with you! You can do whatever you like, I'm not picky (I like all the examples so any style is fine) c: Let me know what you want from me+which character~



I think I'll draw Cornelius for you ^^ I have some other art to do, but I should hopefully be done sometime this week c:



Would you like to trade?

Here are my art examples!


Also, are you ok with drawing male charries?



Sure~ I can draw males as long as you're okay with them looking kinda cuter/feminine? ^^;



I am absolutely fine with that!

Wanna pm me so we can work it out?


Would you like to do an AT ? https://www.deviantart.com/jolsma


Jolsma You have cute art but I'll have to pass for now since I have a lot to do at the moment, sorry! Thank you for offering though ^^;


okay that's fine !


bump ^^; (the button's gone)


If you have any feral characters I can do an art trade!!


Jazzyyazi I'm currently not taking art trades, sorry >< And I don't have any ferals ^^;