What does your Dainty think of the Dainty above-

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by Joel✦ pajuxi


This one is one of my favorite ones! in this thread, You post IC as a Dainty, and your Dainty says what they think about the Dainty above them. Then the character below them says what they think of the other Dainty!


Dainty B: "Dainty A works in an ice cream parlour!? they are now my new best friend!"

Dainty C: "Dainty B murders people? I can't hang out with someone like that, they'd get my clothes all bloody" 

The one rule:

-Put some effort into your response! it has to be at least be one good sentence! 

and thats it!! have fun and I'll be starting with Joel!

Milo Byebi

"Mmmm... I would like to ask her to teach me about the things that go on in the shadows of a society but... I don't think that's a very good idea..."

 Ivan Kasyanov #985 Caine

"Oh, look at that, a ballerina! I used to practice it for a little while in the past, figured it's not my thing though and found figure skating after that. Don't think we'd get along at all though, but I really respect everyone who pursues after ballet - it ain't easy at all." 

Riley CoffeeStars

"Ooo You seem fun! I think we'd be great friends, ever tried graffiti?" - Ryan