Shi'Adoadha Ecology Ithyiir Pocket

Posted 6 years, 8 months ago (Edited 6 years, 5 months ago) by Myota

Shi'Adoadha Ithyiir Pocket and Ecology Facility

Formal NamesShi'Adoadha Ithyiir Pocket, Shi'Adoadha Ecology Facility
Informal NamesAdoadha, Adoadha Pocket, Adoadha Facility
Intended and Past General EnvironmentA lush, bio-diverse rain forest that is consistently survivable in terms of atmospheric composition and temperature.
Present General EnvironmentSomewhat arid savannah with occasional patches of woodland and notable buttes.
Related RacesEatharyian, [Eatharyian A.I.], [Eatharyian V.I.]
Related Culture General eatharyian society
StaffOttek, Fujhei, Kaivex
HospitalityAble to host life.

An eatharyian-made pocket realm.


General Functionality

[The pocket realm was created by the eatharyians as part of their long reaching experiments in studying and manipulating evolution. Their end goal was to witness the development of sentient life within one of these pocket realms by periodically speeding up time, and thus, the evolutionary process. This particular pocket realm was one of the later additions to the project [Built post-Hyenzei,] and was built to withstand the test of time, both natural and artificial. The focus on filling the void in the universe lifted as functional time travel was perfected, enabling a far easier way to ensure that the desired evolutionary path is met within their foreseeable future- as now, the foreseeable future is anything they want it to be.

The pocket realm is maintained by a massive “generator” akin to the one in Hyenzei albeit far less complicated, as well as several auxiliary generators. Invisible “power lines” stretch throughout the pocket realm, acting as a mesh to keep it stable even under space-time manipulation induced pressure.

Energy doesn’t radiate from a star, but rather from the artificial power lines that can be found all throughout the realm. Due to an error in it's creation, the realm is over-energized- The ground emanates a colorful, shimmery, iridescent haze at all times that gives off a light, passive energy. Beautiful crystals akin to bismuth and rainbow aura crystal naturally grow and emerge out of the ground, especially along the grid-work of energy that lace the pocket realm. Other rock formations show signs of this same crystallization and coloration, such as a steep cliff face with natural ridges of shiny iridescent crystal or metal. A more condensed haze and dots of light often surround such rock formations.]

-From recent notes

Environment of the Ecology Level

The ecology level of the pocket realm has thrived in spite of the strange circumstances... Pseudo-desert... the haze... Sections where space-time is frayed... the iridescent minerals[?] that protrude form the ground... a strange lack of stars... 

An arid environment that contains elements of Xeric shrub-lands and savannas that is littered with mesa-like structures. or, a steppe? Shrub-steppe? This keeps getting more and more complicated.

Space-Time Quirks

Difficult to get out of

time discrepancy.

Ecology and Wildlife


Colorful, desert-ish.

The most abundant kind of grass is colored light green with hints of blue with a silver tip. A competing form of grass is a purple-blue color.

One of the tree varieties is large and study, oak-like, and is covered in red-orange leaves with hints of silver. The trunk is a blue-tinted silver.


Most wildlife is still relatively simple in comparison to the diverse and expansive ecosystems of earth. Nothing is remarkable intelligent.

One creature is a weasel-like mammal sporting bright orange fur and hard plates to protect it from predators. They are one of the smarter creatures out there, and are quite agile. Racoon like in their mannerisms at times, scavengers.]

History and Story Significance

[The Ecology Project]

[The pocket realm was created by the eatharyians as part of their long reaching experiments in studying and manipulating evolution. Their end goal was to witness the development of sentient life within one of these pocket realms by periodically speeding up time, and thus, the evolutionary process. This particular pocket realm was one of the later additions to the project [Built post-Hyenzei,] and was built to withstand the test of time, both natural and artificial. The focus on filling the void in the universe lifted as functional tim travel was perfected, enabling a far easier way to ensure that the desired evolutionary path is met within their foreseeable future- as now, the foreseeable future is anything they want it to be.] 

World Ending Game

Broken outposts... Sections where space-time is frayed… smooth opal-like rock formations, a mirror-like opal-ish haze… life doesn’t quite exist well there…
The facility has seen better days… one of the minor “generators” failed… some links to/form certain areas don't function as intended...

Initial events... before any time-space manipulation starts up...

In Between...

The generator blew up... Fujhei and Ottek remained as the last people there...


The Misfits and Koy...

Notable Settings

The Ecology Facility

[The main ecology structure is built right into the pocket realm itself. 
It aligns with the usual eatharyian guidlines for architecture and design.
Within the relative core of the facility is the main “generator,” which powers the entire pocket realm.
There are a couple of greenhouses, “generators”, some labs, a lobby/visitor area, and a seed vault.
The main anchor between the ecology sector of the realm and the facility is a building...
Scattered across the ecosystem-sector of the realm are outposts… “Anchors” for the grid…]

-From recent notes


Outposts scattered around the ecology level...

 Author's notes


  • Mesos- Owlboy: Acted as inspiration.