🎲Triple Ace Casino🎲

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 years, 4 months ago) by Eggdis


Are you looking for a thrilling evening? A chance to go home with enough money to last three generations?

Come visit Triple Ace,
The food's good and the prices even better!
Current Owner: Marco
Location: Sa'vel
Private Business: No
Employees: Unknown
Affiliates: The Hound's Head

Triple Ace is one of, if not the biggest casino in the capital, it promises great things but comes with even greater losses.
In fact Triple Ace is known to few to house the biggest criminal organisation known today.
The casino is also known to be either unfair with it's games or to use weighed slow machines/dice/roulette tables. It seems to be very rare for anyone to win, unless paid for it. Although there are always a few who try them out anyway because they saw someone win on them. These poor fools are known to loose all they have and become indebted to the casino's owner, Marco.

It's currently unknown to the High Council that this casino is housing any sort of criminals, and if it's up to the owner, they will never find out.
Marco is really good at making certain things disappear.