Lost & Found

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by cheeriko

If you're looking for a specific code, please ask here!


Hi Cheeriko! I was looking for this code for awhile and eventually gave up since I assumed it was retired. Would you ever consider rereleasing it as  P2U again?  https://toyhou.se/5309241.adalene


It's already up! It's an edited version a card from this here (an image of it should be in the third slide)


I see!! Thank you so much


thinking of this one css from the vom era, just for be sure if i did dream of it or it was a real one.
it was "boxed" (aka all the page content was in a smaller, scrollable container) and had a banner on top. it's not a "i'm looking for this specific code" but it's more "did chee did that one or i just imagined it?"


haha yes that was me!! it's probably like 3 years old 💀 but i'm gonna be redoing it anyway !!! watch out for that


then i remembered of something pretty ancient, lol


Hello! Wasn't sure where to go, so I'm coming here. I purchased one of your packs (the Assorted Wikis) and one of the codes (Wiki Complete) was not even in the zip file at all. I was pretty bummed bc it was the code I bought the pack for :,,,) If there's any way I can get access to that code, I would really appreciate it! If not, no worries. Thank you for your time


I am so sorry omg That's 100% my fault orz Try to redownload the file again, it should be in there!!


It's alright! It was in the zip file now, so everything is good! Tysm!


Hello! I'd like to ask about CSS, will you sell CSS again ;w;?


Yup, I will be selling them all individually again haha It might be a while though! qwq


Hiya! I was wondering if the CSS seen here is still available? Or like this, I'm not sure which one is the default ;v; basically a blank customizable css


This would be Peek! And I'll be adding it back into my shop as soon as I'm done cleaning up all my HTML :)


I see, thanks!! Would it be possible to buy it rn without the html?


Sorry - I meant I'm working on cleaning up other HTML codes I've made before working on relisting CSS - no HTML comes with it lkFSHKDLFH

So unfortunately there's no way to purchase atm :'3c My apologiiess 


Oh ok! No worries c:


Henlo! Do you have any CSS can I buy? ^^ I only see HTML, sorry;;;


I'll have a good chunk of them up this coming week, just keep an eye out!


hello chee!! i love your codes to pieces (especially your css!!) <3
i wanted to ask this for a while, what's the css being used here and will you be bringing it back?? ive just been in love with it since i saw it a few years ago but realised it wasn't available anymore :[



Hihi! I plan on bringing this back soon, within the next 2 months if everything goes smoothly!! :) It'll be under the name Slide Out !!


thank you so much!! i'll be sure 2 look out for that!! >:]


it's me again, i did find this old screenshot of a character purge i had in early 2019, with a css i presume was yours? which one it was?dd09itw-b9c8d7e1-9fba-4940-ada5-599b9964


oof, I could not tell you...probably one of the Simple Space CSS but a lot of my old CSS used the same base customization for character thumbnails qwq


could have been? i do know that the legacy version of peek had a different styling for thumbnails.


Also could've been! Do you know if you were authed/purchased on gumroad/etc??


tbh, i think i could have been authed on my old account (nightmareparadise). the thing is that i'm not sure on which email i did get that on gumroad, as i do use two different ones, i could dm the emails and see if one of the two pops out, as i have no emails that say i did buy it (at one point i did yeet some ancient emails, so i think that went missing.)


Looks like you were authorized for card bubble pack, peek, and royalty! I've authed you for all of those again, so you should be able to see the codes - Peek's is here!

2 Replies

Omg hi! i loved your codes since i saw them forever ago i bought tin 2019! Tone Setter is still one i still use even now! but i was wondering, is the CSS not available anymore? or do you plan on reworkring it?


Awwwheee thank you!!!! And yes, it's not up for right now and I will be reworking it soon !!! > w < /


Helloo! Does this pack contain this css??


Haha, sorry for the late reply BUT it's you're lucky day because I just posted this CSS haha 

You can find it here - and you can use LOVE-CHEE at check out for 40% off!


ogmmm I'll buy it right now! thank you 💞💞


Hey Cheeriko! I saw this code wasn’t UFS anymore and I was wondering if you might put it back up or if we can dm about it? I would love to use it if I can get the chance :)



I plan on reworking it soon, so it'll hopefully be back up in the next two months !!


Hello! i was wondering if there's a version of this that is for characters? I love the internet aesthetics but I saw that it was based on user profile;; https://toyhou.se/2620747.htmllifeless


I don't have one for characters, but if you'd like to send me a little sketch of a character version (should be able to DM me cheeriko or DM me on Discord, also Cheeriko!) - I'll find time to make it and add it to the pack :3