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Oki! So Twinky Goats cannot create that type of physical illness! Some Corrupted Twinkys can develope a stronger "negative" feeling only :3 Such as Sadness, Sorrow, Anger, etc!

As for the colors, yes! Some feelings have a strong connection with some specific colors, this is shown in this visual guide ;3 From time to time, a different feeling can be bonded to a different color, for example. a Twinky Goat with Pride as main feeling and a yellow main color, instead of Red, which is a color associated with Pride. This Twinky is an example of said case, since their design/concept matches the feeling!

So in resume, you can have "any color" with "any feeling" as long the design matches your desired Feeling ^v^ If you need help deciding or matching a feeling and color, let us know and we shall give you a hand! 


Oh ok thanks for clarifying this for me!