Suggestion board

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago (Edited 1 year, 2 months ago) by circlejourney

Drop your suggestions in the thread below! I will update the To-do list with suggestions that I like. Obligatory disclaimer that I'm maintaining this thing in my free time and lately my free time has been pretty sparse, so I'm updating it a bit slower than ideal!


no i havent, i've been simply pasting the code into the editor. what must i do to have it show?


Hmm, it could be something specific to your code or something I've missed somehow. Could you DM me the code for me to take a look?


QOL update just hit me - It'd be super cool to have a built-in color picker similar to the one in the dev tools on chrome or Visual Code studio :0 so you can easily see what colors are which in the code and change them without having to navigate away to an online hex color picker and come back (it's especially handy for #hex codes whose rgb values aren't as easily guessed like the rgba() values) Sorry in advance if this is a tough thing to implement or not as practical as I'd thought!

Also - your editor is absolutely amazing and it's added a great deal of ease to my coding workflow! I can't thank you enough <3


Admin note: I've fulfilled this request in 1.8.0! With help from @venfaaniik


I've no idea if this is possible, but is it feasible to somehow have a collapse all within the HTML?

Specifically referring to these buttons on the left side: LINK

I'm working in a pretty big code right now and whenever it refreshes for one reason or another, I'm manually going through and collapsing everything I don't need open to the point it'd be faster if it was the other way around.


Hi! Just wanted to check in again about this - I'm not sure if you requested this feature before or after I added the sidebar toggle, but do you mean you'd like an option to make the sidebar disappear completely?


Reuploaded the image cause I think it had a little fit!

Not the sidebar but within the actual HTML editor.


Oh, I get you now! That's a good idea, I'll add it to the to-do list.


So, I recently found out that there's a shortcut key to collapse all sub-elements (Ctrl + click the collapse button) but this relies on everything being wrapped in one element. IDK if that is helpful but I'll work on adding this in the next update!


yo! back with another layout request; can we get a bulletin post layout? i don't think we have that yet.


Admin note: I've fulfilled this request in 1.8.0!


a little option to add a sidebar so you can preview your code in sm (like col-sm-12) would be really nice! you can technically use inspect but itd be nice to be able to just squish the preview :>


Admin note: I've fulfilled this request in 1.8.0!


Hi hi! Would it be possible to get like a 'color pick color from screen' setting for the color picker? It's really cool, but unfortunately, as I use it to put my OCs color palletes exactly, it really doesn't affect how I use it aside from showing a cool color overlay (as I still need to go into a different app to color pick the hex code and paste it). Having a 'color pick from screen' option would be super useful!


Would it be possible to get profiles to edit multiple codes at once without clearing out the editor? It'd be really handy for quickly switching between projects! Love all the updates btw, your hard work is super appreciated!!


I'll consider that! There is a storage limit for the local storage (which is where I'm currently storing the editor's code), and the file system was meant to be my stand-in for switching between different projects - but I realise that it's a bit of a pain when you can't custom name the download files. I might work on a custom naming feature actually, and in the meantime I'll put this on the to-do list.


would it be possible to implement the spoiler feature fully so that when you click on it you can still see your code? as it is now you have to either make your code and then chuck it into the spoiler div or code blindly inside of the div


That's a good suggestion, I keep forgetting to do that haha. it has been added to the to-do!


trying my best to describe this, but do you think theres a possiblity of there being a feature similar to the WYSIWYG editor? 

like, if you want to edit a word (not the code itself) you would just click on the word, rather than have to control + f the code to find it


I have tested this previously! Unfortunately, it created some weird behaviour, because sometimes even clicking on things can change the HTML (think of when you click between tabs and a new class name gets applied to the active tab) and that change gets baked into the working code. it would be an interesting task to make the editor only update to reflect changes that you type but not changes caused by clicking interactive things. I don't currently have the time to develop that but maybe in the future? (Or maybe even a separate new editor, hmmm)


Actually as I was typing this, some ideas came into my mind about how to handle this...thinking


oho? :eyes: best of luck to you with that o77


Would it be possible for user profiles (and potentially character profiles) to have a toggle for if you're the user/owner or not? For an example of use cases, for user profiles, you're currently not able to see all the sidebar options such as subscribe/authorize/etc.

I was also wondering if it'd be possible to toggle notifications on and off. Being able to toggle that off is definitely helpful when seeing how it behaves since .navbar-notifications takes up space even when empty. Additionally, being able to adjust the amount of unique notifications (activity, inbox, etc not quantity) can be helpful too, depending on the type of styling you're doing.

Something else I noticed was that classes don't exactly match? For instance, user profile still uses the .character-profile class. It also uses .profile-content-content whereas Toyhouse doesn't.

Also noticed that mobile version and resizing the window to manually force mobile doesn't generate the Menu header to pull out the sidebar.