[READ] Todo List

Posted 9 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by lulu

on the todo list in very rough order of priority:

  • Authorization levels - kinda done, but still looking for ways to improve
  • Worlds Overhaul.
  • View Previous Posts / Subscribed Threads / Created Threads
    • Actually probably just a General Forums overhall...
    • Allowing users to delete their own threads.
    • Showing when posts have been edited (+ possible for mods to see original post?)
  • Folder icons and blurbs
  • Species creation
  • Literature submissions/pages for characters
    • Changable privacy levels for the pages possibly
    • "AU" pages
  • Clean up mass image/character management
  • QoL fixes
    • Mass deletion, links to individual edit panels
    • "Next" button when browsing through character pages.
    • "Are You Sure You Want to Delete" pop-up when hitting delete for posts/comments/everything
  • Deleting comments probably needs a confirmation panel...
  • Site search
    • Character search by tag or unverified URL
    • Image search by URL might be useful too, hm
  • Fix thread notifications links to take you to the latest page... Actually I should have it take you directly to the post, I was too lazy when coding this and it's gonna be a pain in the ass to change now
    • Same with thread links on the forum's front page
  • Random character/user link (only for listed and public characters & users)
  • User autocompletion
  • Tag blocking
  • Layout fixing like just in general going around and fixing forms and also checking to see that everything wraps correctly
  • Liking or favving forum posts
  • World tags maybe
    • World galleries
  • Popular world listing on the front page thinks about it... Maybe worlds that've added a lot of members in the past few days? hm...
  • Have a look at a chat... I don't think cloudflare works with websockets so I'll need to have a think about it rubs chin I don't really like the idea of an AJAX chat
  • Image thumbnail / character avatar cropping tool
    • This is half done but I realised it was taking way too long so I've shelved it for later...
  • Drag & drop uploading
  • Bulk image/characters upload
  • Tagging images with multiple characters
    • stares into the distance i'm not looking forward to this
  • Image tagging and specialised/tagged galleries, embedded galleries for character pages
    • stares further into the distance... also not... looking forward to this...
  • Dice rollers on the forums
  • Downloading threads as a PDF/etc... / downloading character profiles?
  • Custom Post Formatting
  • Delete images from image manager
  • Character link sorting/deleting
    • Editable icons seperate from the character icons?
  • More user options including # of charas displayed on a page.

Feature fixes / comments

  • Watermarked thumbnails needs to be looked at, I'm not really happy with it atm.. 
  • Commission a logo artist for a clean logo 
  • I should just outsource the front end to a proper front end developer
  • Fix how images teleport when you try to drag one that's at the end of the row

Features I'm thinking about and welcome suggestions for:

  • Anonymous comments (if I do throw this in you're still certainly going to have to be logged in so the recipient can report malicious content if necessary)
  • Allowing for fandom/canon characters 
  • World chats - just mulling it over right now...

What about a way to add multiple artists for one image, sub-galleries for characters and a way to upload written art of characters?


1 free name change??


I totally agree with Inkcess.

I like to use bases but the person who made the base didn't edit it or color it for me.

Would like some recognition along with the main person who made the base in the first place. c:

(Also, people like to get art collabs which isn't fair to the second person who can't be mentioned >.<)


Idk if this has been suggested before, but possibly something like a "Market" part of user profiles? It could be used to sort characters for sale/trade (not as a folder, so they could still be in a regular folder), and you could have the option to submit a character only to the market where it didn't effect your Stats page, like if you make a design to sell? Idk, this seems really minor but it could help some people I imagine ;0

edit;; Another idea that could work instead maybe, tagging characters (like tagging images as nsfw) with the little box and it could say "sale" or "trade"?


I feel like the ability to deactivate accounts should be a thing?

I might just be blind but I haven't seen that anywhere in the settings. It'd be better than having even more innactive accounts flooding the site.


I know lots of people have suggested this but about Co-owning i have an idea as to how it would work.

In your character section you could have co-owned characters a different color? Or yu could have 'co-owned characters' as an option underneath the character folders. 

Or how about when you are in the all folder or unsorted folder there coukd be onr of those folder options at the top that says 'view co-owned characters'. 

As for the linking it could kinda be like how you transfer characters but just add a request co-ownership or transfer ownership. The people who co-own the characters could have to confirm the changes or they could be notified about it. You could also have it so it notifys you when a new image is added. 

You coul just do the second paragraph to make things simple and the other one i'm not sure but just might complicate things.

Just a suggestion idea thing.


I also have an idea as to how this could work

'Tagging images with multiple characters'.

It could be like adding an ownership! Request a character option and have it say in a blue link (to the character) their names.

the person might have to accept the request  (?) To confirm the ownership kinda thing so your not just tagging random characters.

on the character how it says gallery you could have one below it called something like 'Outside art' or something and show all the art that has been linked to the character!


Sorry for being rude, i understand that you probably have better ideas as to how this would work.


 I don't know if someone suggested this before, but I'd like to be able to rearrange images in art page of the profile, like you can in the gallery page of your characters.

I'm that kind of person who really likes to order everything by date so...


Welp, it seems like the character creation business is pretty complicated, good luck on that.


@RaeCarmicheal I'll add that to the to-do list!

Pickled Inkcess We hadn't considered base-users when we made the artist credit options. I think the way I've seen most people deal with it is to credit the basemaker in the image, but note in the caption who did the editing. If we were to add multiple artist capacity, are you imagining it to look like just

"by (name) & (name)" or something different?

juri It is not currently a feature, and it was never planned as a user feature. However it's a popular request so we've been thinking about adding something that will not close the account per se, but just delete all media & characters on the account. Would that work for you?

Fluffypuffylu We haven't been able to decide a way to do co-owners in a workable way yet, so we're always happy to hear other suggestions!

@Vagevuur Sounds like a good idea. I know some artists would like a bit more control over what shows up on their artist page and I'll def. add this to the list of features.

Maybe have an option tab for bases  where it offers a slot for "Base Creator", and "Base Editor"?
And maybe for the collab problem, maybe add another option tab where it says "Collab" and it has 2
to 5 slots for collab artist credit (just in case, who knows? *shrugs*)?


I'm don't know how much coding that'd need or if it'd be worth it. I'm just a person who likes 
proper credit to artists, etc. c: If it can't be done, then I'll just have to mention the other artist
or myself in the description of the piece. ^^" It's not
too big of a deal, just something that I
thought could be useful. c:

This has probably been asked for but the #1 thing I want is an updated relationship system that can implement characters into family trees or SOMETHING like that.

I also like COMMANDANT's suggestion about a character marketplace. Maybe a sitewide selling/trading station?

Btw this site is the BEST, thanks guys <3