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ALL THE SINGLE CHARACTERS! A ship-finding masterth

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by you-are-butt

-read... sorry the title got cut off lmao

So, I was thinking since a lot of us have all these single characters we're trying to find ships for, that maybe a thread like this could be a useful tool. or maybe it'll be a huge flop but who knows.
Anyway! Here's the deal!
All you need is to fill out the little thingy below and post it (in character, of course), and if someone has a character they think would match well, they can contact you!
All I ask is that once you find a ship, you edit out your post or delete it. Feel free to post as many single pringles as you want!

Here's what you need to fill out:

Info about character: (just tell a bit about your character's personality & bio!)
Preferred partner: (do you have a preference for species? gender? something specific?)
Type of ship: (do you want to role play with these characters together? just wanna fangirl and get some cute art? something else?)
Anything else: (i cant think of anything else to add but if you can just put it here OTL)

Let me know if you guys can think of anything else I should! Good luck to everyone searching, and I hope you find what you're looking for!

Abigail Delilah Beaumont FireFae

Info about character:

Suffering from resting bored face, Abigail is generally difficult to read. She is incredibly honest and fiercely loyal, not afraid to tell you exactly what she's thinking even if it may not be the kindest thing to say. She is a woman of few words, often getting lost in thought. She has a natural ability to sense the future, and refuses to touch people for fear of triggering her visions. Unless she is at work she will wear elbow length gloves. She speaks English, Gaelic/Irish, French, American Sign Language, and comes from England, but currently lives in New Orleans.

Preferred partner: 

She would be into a male partner, preferablay human or human passing (i.e vampire, mage, generally human based fantasy creatures?)

Type of ship:

I enjoy roleplaying as my characters, so if you want to ship with her I hope you're willing to rp |D

Anything else:

I mostly RP on either Skype or Discord, but I'm relatively flexible. If you're interested feel free to DM me?

Kim 'Kimiko' Madison YunaNoire

Info about character:

Kimiko is a 22 year old otaku girl trying to make a living for herself. She works as a Phone Sex Operator but dreams of becoming a well regarded voice actress someday. She has a love for video games, anime and japanese culture in general and often attends conventions as well, typically in cosplay. She's exceptionally body and sex positive and is more or less looking to have a good time. She has a tendency to be a bit of an attention seeker and also tends to lie about certain aspects of herself when given the chance (she has rules though, check out the prof for more!) so that she'll look better to those she's trying to attract the attention of. She's a genuinely nice person though and does her best to encourage positivity in others.

Preferred partner: 

No preferred partners, although any relationship will probably just be casual, unless things go really well.

Type of ship: 

RP mostly, but I like talking with my partners too!

Anything else: 

RP Comfort Meme! This'll give you the basic deets regarding how I RP!

$8 USD StarBoy64

Info about character:

Emil is a 23 year old professor at a private school his father helped create (his father is now retired). He's half British (mother) and half Norwegian(father) People see Emil as a smart, funny, and caring guy. He's unstable. He is pretty possessive and violent. Although when it comes to the person he loves he'll do whatever he can to make them happy. And whatever he can to keep others away from them (including murder). Emil currently lives in Britain. 

Preferred Partner:

Gender doesn't matter. Must be human though! And HIGHLY prefer someone who is a student.


Type of ship:

Maybe some rp. I also wanna squeal over some art.


Anything else:

It would be awesome if you had a Deviant Art account! I'm more active on there then here!


the icon is creepy af pardon me

Info about character: quiet writer and sorcerer who used to be dragon; likes nature (esp flowers) and reading books. He was forced to become an experiment, so he`s kina a human now, although he reatined personality traits of a dragon. He has a pair of golden mechanical wings oops he`s also a dandy.
Preferred partner: idk : ) just dont want them to be nasty/arrogant/selfish. Lawful good alignment would be great. and it`d be really gook if they liked reading books too (some scientist would be perfect)
Type of ship: some platonic relationship would be great
Anything else: i draw ships only when they mean a lot to me/when i ship my oc with a friend idk i hope no one`s offended. But i love roleplaying, though!

 Aellô Power-of-panda

---never mind I have a idae for a Oc I'd like to pair her with--

lf trade/art whirlwind

Info about character: Gabe is very reckless and naive. Chances are, if you lie to them skillfully, you'll get away with it. They'll believe everything you say if they trust you as well, you can get away with a lot with a good excuse. With the recklessness, Gabe often upsets people without realizing it, usually by boasting about themself and insulting others in the process. However, they are extremely loyal and longing to love someone and love them alone.
Preferred partner: Needs to be human, prefarably male, but they'll love anyone, really!
Type of ship: I'd like to roleplay with them AND possibly get some art with them together! I would ask that you're at least a little skilled at both of these, but you don't have to be a master or anything! I'd also like to be able and befriend the mun, so it'd be a huge plus if you're rather social and ready to talk a lot <3
Anything else: Here are my RP comforts! <3 If you'd like to get in contact please PM me or message me on my Skype (glazemoon) or Discord ( capri#8157 )


Info about character: cass is a bold but kind person who pretty much loves everyone. Which isn't actually always good because she sometimes forgets that personal boundaries are a thing.  She was born with partial paralysis of one arm but it doesn't stop her from being a pretty good ass-kicker if the situation calls for it.She's human save for a pair of huge, downy bird-like wings which has earned her the nickname Eagle. 
Preferred partner: male, please! It doesn't matter what they are - human, monster, alien, etc. 
Type of ship: RPs and general chats are both awesome~
Anything else: i'd prefer it if we kept things mostly SFW especially in RP scenarios

Muse Jolsma

Info about character: Muse is a 17 years old queen in a fantasy world ( though there's fire weapons, only the queen and the gouvernment are allowed to use these lol )  . She's arrogant, mean, haugty, authoritarian, loud and pityless. Her parents are deceased, and her old half-sister is still alive. I will explain her background only if you ask because if not, i will still be here tomorrow XD . She's a mix between a tomboy and a princess . She loves to give  orders and if you don't obey, she will litterally give you a kick in your face  and would be very upset. Her folk hates her, for a reason too long to explain because there's a little part because of her background :"D  ( already, you see her personnality lol ) . They try to remove her of the throne, but they always fail UvU  . She is also adventurous ^^ .
Preferred partner: She's straight ( or bisexual, i don't still know ) but i would prefer a man for her. I'm sorry, but he will be the girl in the couple  XD
Type of ship: I love roleplay *w* ! Talking of their relationships is also great !! And same thing for arts !
Anything else: For rps, i don't have skype or discord :x . But we can by tchat... somewhere, or by pm/notes ! Even if the tchat is preferred >.< Ah and be able to be active, not wanting someone who are never replying me ;v;

 Ecinene Lacreno Monue

Info about character: An upbeat okalai from Demnoscant that’s a member of the Ishara, a group of agile blade dancers/sword saints who generally travel in troupes to spread joy and love - as well as defend and aid people in need. They have a spiritual connection to their long blades which glow with what is said to be the color of their soul. When he was younger, traveling with his troupe, he met a young squire of another race training to be a knight. The squire had quickly fallen for Eocene, though his affections were unfortunate not reciprocated. Since then, that knight now doggedly pursues his “lost love,” while Eocene has long since moved on and began journeying on his own.
Preferred partner: I'm open to negotiation, all races, but only males. The character actually has a canon relationship, so this would most likely be out of canon. Additionally, you do NOT have to play the knight if you don't want! The knight can be an antagonist for the ship, or not used at all. Other than all that, I've imagined scenarios where Eocene's partner is down to earth and chill - domineering and powerful - and would even accept a more agressive or obsessive partner. I'm open to a lot, honestly!
Type of ship: I'm primarily looking to roleplay, though I may want to order cute art and fangirl a little.
Anything else: If Eocene doesn't interest you, you can look at my Rp thread or my character list, the majority of them are open: ( ) I'd prefer to Rp on Discord, but I'm open to negotiate that as well! PM me if you're interested in Eocene or anyone!

 y o o hallelujah

Info about character:

hyung-joon is a little underdeveloped at the moment, but I am definitely going to be fleshing him out in the coming days. I'd love a partner who'd be willing to help out! 

he is the cliche sort of silent, troubled soul. he spends the majority of his time holed up in his tiny apartment which is never clean and always void of actual food. he's a little masochistic and suffers from extreme anxiety when he is bored or stressed. this usually results in him self-harming, with a clear fixation around his mouth area. he prefers biting himself, usually on his fingers as the pressure against his teeth releases dopamine, helping him to relax. he also scratches at his cheeks and lips, leaving him riddled with dozens of scars along his face. in an attempt to heal and break the habit, he's started to wear a mask. he's not very good about it, he really only wears it when he's in public or during a particularly bad episode.

when it comes to relationships, he's not the greatest. he has a difficult time expressing his feelings, though he definitely has them. he gets overwhemled with love often and it usually manifests in self-harm which is a big obstacle in his love life. 

Preferred partner: 

human only, please! any gender is fine; he has a slight preference for females. someone he can rely on who isn't completely dependent on him. laid back, loving and understanding but will stand up for themselves. someone he can spend all day with doing literally nothing and is okay with eating chinese food and cereal every day. 

Type of ship:

I'm usually too busy to roleplay a lot, but I am definitely into pseudo-roleplaying! just talking about how our characters would interact and coming up with headcanons for them! I could talk about my oc couples forever, honestly. I also ADORE art!! so I will get lots of art of them together. I expect a little bit of the same from you, but it's definitely not something you have to do every day! I would like someone who is willing to progress with their character and not keep them in a frozen state forever where literally nothing ever changes. 

Anything else: 

I'm a really chill person. I just want to see my kiddos blossom and meet other people ; u ; you don't have to hold back around me. tell me all the ideas you have about our children together! even if it seems cheesy, believe me when I say I want to hear it all.

Fredric Cassidy LunaBell

 Info about charcter: 

Rich boy, constant resting bitch face, likes to garden. 

Fredric seems so displeased with manythings but it's to hide himself and shield homself from harm. He has a soft spot thats deep down. He wants to find someone he can trust

Preferred partner: 

Someone loyal and patent. He's a difficult nut to crack. Love of gardening and/or flowers is a plus but not required, he won't hold it aganist you. Must be proactive too, he's nlt going to make the first move and wont do anything UNTIL he trust you. Females please about his age. 

Type of ship: rp mybe if i have the time. If not then i usualy prefer headcannons. Yep, i love cute as hell art and will be drawing or getting commissions of the pair

Friendships are cool too. My ocs need friends

Anything else: 

Rp comfort meme here

If it doesnt work out I dont get up and arms about it. Im generally really chill about these things. Things don't need to

Hein Tindle Necronomeow

Information about character: Even with being an Incubus monster, he s a bit of a jokester, but serious when it comes to most situations that involve the bedroom. Even with his job, he likes to take clients as serious as possible, even with their farfetched requests and fantasies. At times, he can never tell who he is anymore, considering his everything, including his personality, changes with the one they desire. Unfortunately, almost everytime he transforms, it leaves him craving for more in his true form. Hein makes sure to stay away from people and monsters if he can help it, although it gets to the point where he'll beg anyone for a good time. Despite this, he tries to be as approachable and lovable as possible, although he tends to come off as really silly and a cuddable monster.

Preferred partner: A monster or human, since he changes into what the other person desires the most. Preferably someone that's straight-forward, able to take shit, etc. 

Type of ship: An open relationship of sorts, due to the fact that since Hein is an Incubus, he has to feed off the darkest desires of others to keep himself alive and those people from doing it to others. I'd like roleplay mostly and at times, I'll commission the ship. Friendships etc, are also fine.

Anything else: I used Discord for roleplay, so that's preferred for you to have and my Rp Comfort meme .