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ALL THE SINGLE CHARACTERS! A ship-finding masterth

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by you-are-butt

-read... sorry the title got cut off lmao

So, I was thinking since a lot of us have all these single characters we're trying to find ships for, that maybe a thread like this could be a useful tool. or maybe it'll be a huge flop but who knows.
Anyway! Here's the deal!
All you need is to fill out the little thingy below and post it (in character, of course), and if someone has a character they think would match well, they can contact you!
All I ask is that once you find a ship, you edit out your post or delete it. Feel free to post as many single pringles as you want!

Here's what you need to fill out:

Info about character: (just tell a bit about your character's personality & bio!)
Preferred partner: (do you have a preference for species? gender? something specific?)
Type of ship: (do you want to role play with these characters together? just wanna fangirl and get some cute art? something else?)
Anything else: (i cant think of anything else to add but if you can just put it here OTL)

Let me know if you guys can think of anything else I should! Good luck to everyone searching, and I hope you find what you're looking for!

Lady of the Stump Modwri

Info about character: She's lonely, depressed, and house outlived everyone she's ever known.  She's also part divinity, and since she thinks she may as well be inanimate, she's started to petrify, and currently can't move her limbs.

Preferred partner: A character who is patient.  Humanoid is best, though monsters are good as well.  If you want a romantic or sexual ship, male is required.  If you want a friend-ship, anything goes.

Type of ship: I want to RP, mostly, but I'm not against more!  Plot is important, but I'm having a hard time thinking of something of my own.  I like the plots to be a little adventure/action/mystery based rather than just going for an emotion-based plot.

Anything else: I like to RP on discord in my RP server, on Iwaku, or on Amor.  I do not like to play on google docs or by email, or through PM on any site or service.

Karma plush--bun

Really need a sweetheart for this boi.

Info about character: Karma is a very sweet and innocent cinnamon bun, he has a very intimidating and evil family. 

Preferred partner: Prefferably anthro/feral, but anything goes, really.

Type of ship: Maybe some RP. Mostly just cute art n' stuff <3

Anything else: He's 15, so no sexy time. I don't like that to happen to mah boi.

Flora Flowers Mochagatari

Info on character: Flora is a rubberhose Toon gardener girl (officially under the stage name of Flora Flowers the Gardening Gal) and she sweet, innocent, and all around a goofy cinnamon bun. She loves flowers, animals, and dancing, and likes to go on wacky adventures with her pals. She can be an oblivious worrywart, but she always means well and likes to use her physics-defying powers to cheer people up.

Preferred Partner: Humans and humanoids, if you please! (And of course, any other Toon character!) Also, if no one minds, she is straight, ao boys please as well!

Type of ship: Definitely don't mind RPing although I haven't done it in a while! Also just love headcanon-swapping. Art not necessary, but it'd be great!

Anything else: Underage, so currently no NSFW! RP also preferred through PM, if possible.

ღ Marian Mendoza ღ Oujiton

Currently looking for a partner for this gal of mine! Info about character: Marian is pretty wild and short tempered but she's super nice and fun to be around with, she's incredibly silly if you get to know her! She'll be happy to be somebodies own house maid B)) Seriously though; She wants somebody to holds hands with and somebody to give kisses do before bed and before work, she wants somebody to cuddle on the couch while watching movies.She isn't easily offended when it comes to any kind of humor and is a lovable odd bug looking for love ghkhgdgfdgfbs I'm horrible at oc personality explanations sorry Preferred partner: FEMALES, anything humanoid (Not including anthros) :3c Type of ship: I wouldn't mind RPing or fangirling! Art is cool too but not needed! Anything else: NSFW is definitely welcomed! Though I sometimes do take forever during NSFW RPs, early apology aha. Please PM if interested !


Info about character: He is a very nice young cat who doesn't talk often and he lives with his sister. He is a hunter.

Preferred partner: Preferably another cat and usually males but i'll accept a female and they should have a realistic pelt

Type of ship: I'd love to roleplay with them or just draw them together and such

Anything else: nothing much really



I might have a guy for your cute boy but i'm not done with his digital ref yet, so maybe you can pm me and we can talk as i finish it?

Hex SweetieSylveon

Info about character: Hex is, a sentient voodoo doll, based off of a lynx. She doesn't have an age, or genitals, and hates being wrong.

Preferred partner: No, but I'll ask for anthros only. Preferably other spooky lads.

Type of ship: Fangirling, headcanons, maybe some doodles, and possibly Rp'ing over Discord.

Anything else: She has a ritual room and an unsettlingly large number of voodoo dolls. She's also fluent in ASL, considering how she sometimes sews her mouth shut. No NSFW, please.

Once killed a man because he tried to say she was wrong. She has a doll made of his skin... somewhere...

Maiko yudeph

Info: Maiko is a rather kind teenage girl. She delights in helping out  others and meeting new friends, which is one of the reasons she chose to  become a maid as she is able to meet all kinds of different people to  help out. She can be very affectionate towards people she cares  for, due to being part cat, and is always looking on the bright side.  However, she is a bit naive and doesn't have the patience to do certain  important things.

Preferred Partner: Any gender, only kemonomimi (this includes kemonimimi-like species! no anthro) or human. They also must live in a real-world setting and be around her age (13-15).

Type Of Ship: Art, headcanons

Extra: Please no NSFW (she's only 14 jesus christ) Also, if your character doesn't live near her, they can still be in a relationship over some kind of social media!

(edited b/c of some weird formatting issues)

 Collin Opossun

English is not my first language and i tend to write too much ;v; sorry about mistakes,,,

Info about character:  Collin has his whole bio with info, so i don't know what to say about him that there isn't on his description. ;v; i'm gonna try anyway tho. He's a toreador vampire(a kind of vampire from vampire the masquerade, toreadores are vampires who love art and beauty) But since collin is a clueless vampire(his sire left him behind, didn't explained to him about being a toreador n stuff) he couldn't explain to other people about himself. He just thinks vampires are all the same, and isn't aware of vampire clans, or the sabbat or the masquerade per say.

He's a flamboyant kind of guy, very dramatic, works as web designer and on his spare time likes to animate, create comics, and do observational drawings. He enjoys drawings things kinda dark, wich doesn't seem to fit him at all (since he's seem like this "cheerful and gentle" kind of person, no one expects him to enjoy those horror stuff) so he keeps it kinda secret. He is a very social person and makes friendships quite easily.

Preferred partner: Male characters! although Collin has issues on getting attached(fear of being hurt / abandoned) it can be a hard task to become an "official" ship tbh? He can be kinda overwhelming, getting too close and then getting away out of fear. Collin is more easy going in the sexual side, mostly being a top, but having a thing for werewolves. a weird thing. 

Type of ship: Roleplay, headcanons, maybe some art(but i take 50 years to draw something i like, because of that good ol' low self esteem on my art) 

Anything else: english!! is not!! my first!! language!!! I get really shy and anxious about my grammar so if you speak portuguese it would make things 4000x easier but i would be ok with non-portuguese rpers ;v;

 Elinore Tendo64

Info about character: Elinore's a real sweetheart, kind and unfortunately, easy to take advantage of. I don't have too much of a development of her yet since she's a role-play character I have yet to have used.

Preferred partner: Anthro of either gender from ages 15-18. Any species is fine, allthough I'd very much prefer if the anthro was mammalian.

Type of ship: Roleplay, headcanoning, and drawing art of them<3 SFW only, please. Not only is Elinore a minor, but I am as well.

Anything else: Nothing really!

Augustus Maize jellolas

Info about character: Studious | Emotional | Temperamental | Faux-Confident | Self-Conceited  ;; Maize is a mage living in the corn hedges of XXX (IDK YET..), he has a passion for necromancy and tends to practice raising corn from the dead. Also loves to play w his dead dog companion

Preferred partner: Not really!! Any species is fine! Something supernatural might be funny >;3c 

Type of ship: Headcanon or drawing them together (: <3 

Anything else: i have a discord? also i would add more but i need to pack askdfjldsk