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ALL THE SINGLE CHARACTERS! A ship-finding masterth

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by you-are-butt

-read... sorry the title got cut off lmao

So, I was thinking since a lot of us have all these single characters we're trying to find ships for, that maybe a thread like this could be a useful tool. or maybe it'll be a huge flop but who knows.
Anyway! Here's the deal!
All you need is to fill out the little thingy below and post it (in character, of course), and if someone has a character they think would match well, they can contact you!
All I ask is that once you find a ship, you edit out your post or delete it. Feel free to post as many single pringles as you want!

Here's what you need to fill out:

Info about character: (just tell a bit about your character's personality & bio!)
Preferred partner: (do you have a preference for species? gender? something specific?)
Type of ship: (do you want to role play with these characters together? just wanna fangirl and get some cute art? something else?)
Anything else: (i cant think of anything else to add but if you can just put it here OTL)

Let me know if you guys can think of anything else I should! Good luck to everyone searching, and I hope you find what you're looking for!

Chelle Marx Meimorie

Info about character: Michelle Marx, or Chelle for short, is an average 23 yo human girl. She works part-time as a waitress at a cute little cafe where she hates her overly girly & skimpy uniform, & she often sneaks cupcakes for mid-shift snacks. She also sings lead vocals in a punk rock band. She is usually sarcastic or even slightly rude, & also tends to keep her distance from most people. But deep down, she is just very sensitive, & once Chelle gets close to someone else, she will do anything to protect them & make them smile.

Preferred partner: Prefer male, but may consider female. Must be over 18.

Type of ship: Any

Anything else: She is a new character, but I will work on her profile tomorrow.

Virgin Opal EtherealPrince

hopefully this thread isn't dead

Info about character: Ms. O is an adult Gem, serving as a counselmember of White Diamond's court along with some of her fellow opals. She is haughty and hard to please, but finds amusement in genuine affection and enjoys company in small doses. Once she is truly attatched to someone, she will treat them like they're made of gold.

Preferred Partner: Femme presenting or female gems or humans

Type of ship: cute art, fangirling/boying/personing, headcanoning

Anything else: hopefully this'll help me flesh out her character more bc im love her so much

 Nyssa seraphixe

Info about character: Nyssa is an immortal witch, who is currently going to college to learn Nuclear Physics in an attempt to learn something that could help her improve her experiments into interdimensional travel. She is very.... quirky, at best, a mess, at worse. Despite this, she tries her best to be kind to everyone, and make friends wherever she goes in the world.

Preferred partner: Female! Doesn't have to be immortal, Nyx has dated many mortals over the years, and has an album full of pictures (or in some cases, paintings/sketches) of her and them.

Type of ship: Roleplaying is cool! But if you just wanna talk headcanons, thats chill too! Art is awesome, but not required (especially bc im kinda short on funds lately.)

Anything else: You can message me here or on discord! (Caligula#9825)

$35 RESELL - CS: RainPoof ninjashield5

Info about character: He can seem a bit intimidating at first, but Logan's pretty friendly! He's an idol/singer, so he has a good stage presence and is good at dealing with people, for the most part. His group/band is a bit famous though, so anyone that the members associate with may get attention (a lot of it being unwanted). He's vampire RainPoof, so that's usually the reason why people are intimidated by him at first. But he doesn't suck anyone's blood, sticking to peaceful alternatives. He loves music.

Preferred partner: He's fine with any gender, but prefers males. Human or kemonomimi~

Type of ship: I'm fine with roleplaying and/or headcannoning (RP comfort meme)~ I like getting/drawing art of ships, but only if I get really into them ;v;

Anything else: I prefer to discuss on LINE, Skype, or Discord (in that order) and will provide my username on whichever of those we agree to use if I think we can work with the character you suggest.

June Shineheart

Info about character: She's pretty energetic and social. She's also very protective of people she cares for. She likes to wear all sorts of different cloths as well. She's a demon but tries to hide it due to the fact that it scares off people a lot Preferred partner: No preference, she's pansexual Type of ship: I'd to get art of ships :3 Anything else: Please pm me if your interested. also, I'll be updating her profile soon

5$ polkadot

Info about character: She's a very energetic and happy inkling. She adores turf wars and overall having as many friends as possible. Can sometimes come off as a bit naive and clueless

Preferred partner: Anyone, as long as it's from the splatoon universe

Type of ship: Cute headcannons, roleplaying and drawings. I will make sure to do the same

Anything else: I prefer fluffy stuff. I will give you my skype if we end up making a ship


Info about character: Fay's a magazine editor that also does photography on the side. Photography's both a means of getting a bit of money on the side and a hobby. He loves being able to capture people's emotions, scenery that may not be seen again, and just about anything. Just the thought of capturing a moment that could otherwise be lost feels amazing to him.

Fay works with models often when he does his photography, but he also works events (e.g. weddings, birthday parties, etc.) and just goes outside with his camera to photograph ordinary people and scenes. He's pretty sentimental and scrapbooks periodically to remember moments.

He's a pretty big flirt and shows that to most people. Especially those that he works with in the editing company or that he takes photos of. He thinks it's cute when people get all flustered because of him.

Preferred partner: Fay is, more often than not, attracted to good-looking people. He likes people that are naturally beautiful and would look amazing in his photos without any computer editing afterward. He has a preference for males. Must be human or humanoid.

Type of ship: I'm fine with roleplaying and/or headcannoning (RP comfort meme)~ I like getting/drawing art of ships, but only if I get really into them ;v;

Anything else: I prefer to discuss on LINE, Skype, or Discord (in that order) and will provide my username on whichever of those we agree to use if I think we can work with the character you suggest.

I'm looking for a host/lover for him. Please refer to the HOSTS section of the Dainty info sheet.

I much prefer for ships to be long-term, but if it doesn't seem to be working out, I will tell you that I would like to end it. I would expect you to do the same if you don't think it's working. Please do not offer if you may have the intention of trading your character in the future.

If you already have an idea of how your character and Fay might work out, feel free to mention it when offering for a pairing! I'd love to hear~

[almost all of this is copy-and-pasted from this thread]


Info about character: Mishavonna is Sydney's older sister and is a cheerleader captain. She has a drive about her that others around her are impressed with. Sydney fled the country thanks to Mishavonna's help due to Sydney being on trial for a breach of contract with Playboy Inc. 

Preferred partner: Mishavonna is heteroflexible so she's more keen to date guys. She's also a huge sucker for guys taller than 6'1" because she loves height differences and the different opportunities (B)) there are with more than a foot between the two (she's 5'1"). More than likely likes guys who drag her into kinky situations. 

Type of ship: I'm literally down for any kind of ship for Mishavonna: Regular RP, Headcanon, NSFW/SMUT RP (major plus if you are okay with this cause I would want to), Fan Art, Fan Girl, etc. 

Anything else: I usually use Discord or Skype for my rp purposes! But you can message me on Deviantart or Tumblr if you need to get my attention about something!

trade only inkrunner101

Info about character: She is only "nice" to people that She considers close to her, or she finds some use for them. So that would be very few. But those she truly cares for she will fight tooth and limb for.

LIFE: She is a model for a large clothing company. She live extremely high class, eating only the finest foods. She has a habit of leading men on, then acting innocent if caught.

Preferred partner: preferred male, but can be female

Type of ship: Can roleplay if you're willing. I would like to get art as well if I'm really into the ship

Anything else: Feel free to message me

 Tashtumar Mariette

Info about character: A dragon who works as a merchant for a caravan. She kind of hates her job but she loves reaping the rewards. She loves wandering aimlessly for months at a time living off the desert while searching for rare and exotic things that she can sell or keep and show off.

Preferred partner: Someone who can match her in terms of wits and cunning, someone who can put up with her being a bitch aloof and unfriendly a lot of the time, and someone who doesn't mind epic adventures. Female(-presenting) slightly preferred, but I won't turn down a male(-presenting) character who can fit the description above.

Type of ship: I definitely want someone who's willing to roleplay (comfort meme), but squealing about headcanons and getting cute art on the side is definitely not out of the question!

Anything else: Note that this may not lead to a romantic relationship. Tashtumar is firm asexual, and questionably aromantic as well. If romance happens naturally, then I definitely won't stop it from happening, but please don't message hoping for a romantic ship because it may very well not happen.

 Momo vmpy

Info about character:  She is a human who likes gore, bunnies and cute fashion. She is a designer & model for her clothing brand.

Preferred partner:  Any gender, Human or kemonomimi. Mabye a character with similar interests

Type of ship: It whould be fun to draw them together. I don't like roleplaying

Anything else:  She doesn't have much information on her profile but I'm working on it

 Runa utau

Info about character: She's an 18 year old girl who loves fashion and sweets! She has a resting bitch face and seems quite cold, but she's quite nice to people that initiate conversations with her first. She works as a museum curator and is dedicated to preserving her culture. 

Preferred partner: Preferred male.

Type of ship: Roleplay. I like commissioning art of her as well as drawing, so I'd definitely get art of the couple!

Anything else: She's a HxH fan OC so I would be happy if you know the series - no worries if you aren't! I am most active on LINE app.

 ociel sovereign_blue

Info about character: Ociel is emotional and sensitive. He's intuitive, but can also be very passionate and even jealous. He loves profound conversations, sweet words and intimacy. He barely does anything openly, but he's very loyal and always there to support his loved ones.

Preferred partner: Male, but anything's fine

Type of ship: Casual roleplay, but I don't have much time to so maybe it'll be more like occasional roleplay, drawing pictures of them together, and just loving them both!

Anything else: I draw very slowly hope you don't mind