Make an assumption about the character above you!

Posted 7 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Kidd Callaghan primskorv

I thought this might be a fun game; basically, look at the character of whoever is above you, and come up with a headcanon based on whatever impression that character gives you! Examples could be "i feel like they really like sour candies" or "they probably got bullied in school" etc etc, anything counts and nothing is invalid! Post IC, please! (Just so the person below you has a character to write about, but you don't have to actually write your post AS your character if u get me)

I'll get this started with one of my own. Another fun idea could be to edit your post to confirm whether or not the person below you was accurate!

Chris Decker ElithianFox

 aowacc This guy looks like he's capable of shapeshafting into that monster he's got in his image gallery, and he'd probably be really annoyed about having to redo his hair every time he transforms back to his humanoid shape.

Chris is very offended that this blatant racism against demons can still take place! It's 15.C.829., he thought we were done with this! god what a nerd lmao

Alexei Kozlov Ahyst

Looks like he's a badly sunburned knight,, I don't know? :y

No.. it's just a faux leopard print pants to look 'high class'..

The Silly Ewe MathewMii

 Is he wearing the skin of his enemies?  That's so bad-ass!
(I oughta get a wolf pelt.)


SHe just looks like she wants to be friends with everything


Emmet Seiden

She probably is narcissistic. 


He looks like he's proud of himself and likes showing off. could also be a captain of a modern ship ? XD

Alexei Kozlov Ahyst

Looks like a gal who likes photography and being stylish!

Florence Warbler ElithianFox

 Alexei looks like a designer of some kind, for sure he's gotta work in Paris for a big name brand.


he looks like a happy go lucky type!

Alastyn Seiden

She looks like the "I am adventurous!" kind of girl who actually never goes on adventures.

Aina Himura Dardargo

She looks like she goes to a nice school but is uncertain of what she wants in life. She has her insecurities but she tries not to let them show, though she isn't the greatest at doing so.

Orac Kaida Theravengod

She looks like she enjoys way to many sappy love stories and Believes that true love Conquers all 

K Modwri

Orac looks like they (can't view profile to tell the pronouns) are secretly really into kpop, but it's the worst-kept secret ever.

Beasty Conjunx

K looks like he might  have insomnia ? That or he looks like he might be the type to fall a sleep really often, even when youre talking to him!

Capsaicin reinapepiada

There's probably a bunch of old horror movies they can display on their TV and they communicate/emote using some scary scenes from them. I mean, that's probably how it is with those angels but he specifically would only do it with old horror movies