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Trade/Resell Rules

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 6 months ago) by SpectrumSid

Starriears may be resold/retraded/regifted at your leisure.

However, they cannot be resold for more than their original price (plus any edits paid seperate from the original price) UNLESS they are accompanied with extras like extra art.


Starriears given as Sales may be resold, traded, or gifted.


Starriears given as Trades may only be traded. No reselling. Gifting is allowed, but from there they become Starriear Gifts.


Starriears given as Gifts MUST be only regifted. No trading or selling. 


YOU MAY NOT make personal profit off of Starriears outside of communities like or Deviantart.