Complaints Board [IC]

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by  Cordelia fangmeat

thanks kavaro for letting me do this bless you

You all have complaints, don't you? Worries? Fears? Sadness? General negativity? About your life, your friends, your enemies, your writer (I'm not the only one whose been thrown in a situation I hate, right? We should give them a little hell now and then for what they do, even if it's just complaining about it) and whatever else? Well, here you go! We snagged permission for this board and everything! Don't make our efforts go in vain, rant and complain away! 

Some ground rules however - I know, a bore, but a necessary evil;

  1. No OOC complaining allowed! You writers have your board- so use it!
  2. Post IC! 
  3. Don't vague eachother. I mean, if your roleplayers know eachother and have consented to it, go for it! But keep it civil in here, this isn't a battleground and I am no referee. Take it to the PMs if you want a fistfight. 
  4. Black out triggering/sexual material for the sake of your fellow fictional beings and writers. Do that with the little two As next to the Font Sizes and check black for both. 
  5. No slurs! That's always a general rule of thumb though, right? I don't have to mother you all, do I? No, no I don't. 
  6. (optional) Have something that doesn't quite fit here? Head on over here to spill your thoughts! Nucille has a board up and running just for you.

Well.. that's it! Go forth in bitterness and tears and.. whatever. Just post.

 ⋄Grimm 🔮 lotad

"those of you who think all witches are bad are a big part of the reason why we put spells on non-magics"

 Ace Jutta

My Best friend keeps murdering people and you can't just do that kind of thing. I don't want to turn him in or anything, because that's not what a good friend does, you know? But the moment I bring up his whole "being a serial killer" thing being an issue, he'd totally slit my throat.

 Yvalhaell Aurhovala Papes

"I'm glad my writer's going to be using me again for their dnd session in a week and a half, but... I'm really not looking forward to the new group I'm going to be stuck with. That, and I know my writer and their group are going to be ripping on me whenever they get a chance. Just.... ugh. I still can't believe they called me the smut sorcerer..... that's the most embarrassing nickname I've gotten from the group when they went out of character....."

Leila SuperStar2361

"There's some things about a friend of mine that aren't quite right, and it's really bugging me... He tries to avoid answering any questions about his family and where he lives, he sometimes talks about stuff he says we did together when I have no memory of doing that stuff at all, and apart from those Christmas sweaters that have lights on them, I have never seen anybody else that wears clothes that can light up, and I've never seen any clothes like his online or in the shops. He's definitely hiding something, and I know I usually don't take things this seriously, but... I can't help but worry about him. I hope he's okay, but I don't think he is."

Juice Jutta

Stop hiding the stuffed animals! I'm  h u n g r y. Besides! Eating stuffing can't be worse than sucking your soul out by consuming your dream self when you sleep! 

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Toby SuperStar2361

"I've been seeing a lot of people with horns and bat-like wings lately. Just earlier today, I saw two of them on their phones, walking together. I tried to say 'hi' to them, to y'know, try and make some new friends, but when I did one of them ran off crying, while the other... well, I won't say exactly what he said here because there could be kids around, but he basically told me to go away, but really rudely. I have no idea what it is about me that scared the poor girl off, but man, that guy was so rude. I was only saying 'hi' to him, what's wrong with that?!"

"...Sorry about that. I kinda went on a bit of a tangent there, didn't it? I didn't come in here to complain about that guy, I actually came here because I'm pretty worried about all these horned and winged people that have appeared out of nowhere. When I first started seeing them around, I wasn't really that worried at all about them, but then I started hearing all sorts of rumours about them. The main one that's been going around is the one about them being demons that came here from a different realm. I never really believed in demons or anything like that before, but considering the fact that they pretty much came here literally out of nowhere, and how some of them have somehow survived things that should have killed them, as well as the fact that they basically look like your typical demons... I just really hope it's not true. But if none of it's true at all, then I feel really sorry for them."

The boy looks upwards at something for a few moments, then looks back at what is in front of him. "Looks like my cousin's been here earlier with a complaint of her own. She's told me about that guy she was talking about, and I agree with her on how strange the stuff she mentioned is. I'm not going to say anything else, though, because I've been here for long enough and I have other places to be. See ya!" He then runs off, getting his phone out of his pocket as he does so.

Chinatsu Kishi meltylandnightmare

Kouki's too nice for his own good... His kindness is admirable, yeah, but girls, he's mine. I don't care if he's single, that gives you no right to flirt with him! Do you know how hard it is to wash bloody stains off of your clothes?! These clothes are custom made by me, for me! It sucks to get them ruined!


I miss him so much...

Aiden Altair

I'm sick of everyone calling me "bunny", especially this dude.

I'm a fox. 
My tail... It doesn't look like a rabbit tail.
Do I really look like one? 
My ears don't even look like rabbit ears.

I'm angry.

I'm sure this "bunny" thing is his fault.


"Ugh... That guy, always trying to get close to me..."

Lulu cosmonautiks

"Why does everyone like herShe's just a stupid little kitty cat, who's horrible at everything. Just because she's cute doesn't mean she should get all this attention.. It should really be going towards me! I'm obviously more superior, in grades, sports, ecetera. I wish she would just die."

Mildew Jutta

It's not my fault I look like this. Can someone please talk to me? I'm so lonely...

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Calvin SuperStar2361

"...I-It's my birthday t-today... but... I-I-I don't think my writer's going t-to do anything to... y'know... c-celebrate... I don't think sh-she even remembers i-it's my birthday today..."

*has no idea I actually did remember (omg!!!) and am about to start on a drawing for him to celebrate*