Whatcha watching/listenin' to?

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 1 month ago) by fangmeat

idle games are my jam what can I say

I thought it'd be a neat idea to make a little thread where you post what you're currently listening to/watching, could give others something to tune in to! Let it be music, podcasts, let's plays, what-have-you! Just go on and post it. c: 


  • I can have faith in you to not link to nsfw videos, right.... You know what I'm talking about. Do Not
  • No illegal movie links pls.
  • That's it! 
  • seriously no adult videos I will glare at you. 

I'll start off with Genghis Khan by Miike Snow. v:

i love this fricken song and video good lord


I'm currently listing to the Yogscast jinglejam, and have World of Mysteries - Hidden City of London on standby on another tap.



Listening to the entire Black Butler: Book of Circus soundtrack. lol


I was recently introduced by Spotify to Mili, who are a Japanese pop/alt classical group. They're pretty interesting!



Caprice - Because you would ask me why I love you

I have eally fallen in love with this band, the lead singer has such a beautiful, clear voice ;;


Sonata Arctica - Gravenimage. I've loved this band since I was in junior high, nd still do. Going to a concert on monday! ; v;


@shadowedlullaby flgsldfg same, that and LP reccs! I'm glad you like it. ;v;

gopher's enderal lp ffffff


Watching "Four in a bed" haha.


@mamahorror *slams hands on desk* i LOVE genghis khan... so catchy and the video is golden. also thank you for making this thread bc it's such a staple on most forums and i couldn't believe there wasn't one already?? i love finding new jams from strangers on the internet

just discovered this song today and i'm in love with it... couldn't find the lyrics anywhere though but it didn't take long for me to transcribe them myself! (note that the lyrics are kinda nsfwish)

otherwise i've pretty much just been listening to pandora a lot!!


Isoprene You are most welcome!!!! I know man omg threads like this as so handy when you're an avid music listener (and important to me who Hates Silence). Thanks for using it! ovo <3

also bless yes omg genghis khan is a beauty.. I love it so much sobs. AND.. nice song and translation.. wowie. ty so much for the translation! 

threadwise, I am glued on this song lately. It is so beautiful. @_@ 


I have the Samorost 3 soundtrack on vinyl and I am listening to that now ;w; It is so pretty, and I like video game music in general when I'm working*.

* or pretending to work while I bum around toyhou.se