Draw Your OCs Together ::GAME::

Posted 7 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 21 days ago) by SwampGoblin


What would your character think of the one above you? Draw it out!

《Do they both love tea, would they like the same pets, what kind of hijinks would they get up to? Would they fight?!?

The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!》


ex: character A works in a convenient store. Character B loves chaos. You  draw A horrified as they watch B wreak havoc in the dry goods isle

Please DO

Finish your lovely sketch within a month

Post In character or give some ideas as to who you want the next person to draw.

Have a completed profile for the character, or at least somthing for the next person to latch onto.

Edit your post with the completed image or a message saying you sent it to the person.

Try! the image can be sketchy or super refined; just make sure it's legible.

Wait at least 3 turns before posting again. Unless it's been a week with no one else posting, in which case all the power to you, hon.

Have fun!

Please DONT

Post more than once until the image is done.

Take super long to finish. Life gets in the way, we all know that; so if you take over a week to post, at least be courteous and update the person you're drawing for.


I want people to feel like the work they put into it will be reciprocated instead of abandoned, ya know? So You have 1 month to post, then a warning. After the warning you'll have a week to finish your end, then if still nothing, you're banned. I'll draw for the person you abandoned, or find someone. If you wanna make amends and try again, shoot me a pm~

the banned

anyone who hasn't completed their end of the trade for 2 months+

Didn't Get Your Art?

If after a month you didn't receive art, feel free to contact me or post on Unfilled



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 (lovenote) art CandyLashes

Bluesulfur DONE!!! Sorry for the doodles being so crappy // sobb I had this weir idea that since Fritz is AI maybe they can communicate by binary code. FFFFFF Also Markus is an advocate of AIs wiping out the planet. 



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Clint plush--bun


ack so sorry this took so long...hope you like it!


HELIOS [$5] luxidoptera

this sounds like a blast, claim



VV it's adorable, thank you!

SiLk Marclyn

I love when characters are introduced and worlds collide!!



SiLk is an excellent programmer so he took the initiative to program a figure of himself who resembles HELIOS to say "hello"
SiLk loves to talk and HELIOS loves to talk, so the two can just chat all day, "artificial style"


Vempyremon Vempyremon

Programmer and tech genius, you say? Cant pass up the opportunity with a computer virus!


EDIT -- DONE! Marclyn

Computer virus vs. Hacker. Oops!

Trouble Orangish

... Trouble LOVES making others upset and causing violence. So... 



Trouble's gonna get hit

Arietti Xenons_Hole

Oh gosh a dragonfly who barely speaks and a 12 year old. This is gonna be so great. xD 

Claim ~~