◆ The Vent Board

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 9 months ago) by Ventmod

This thread is locked indefinitely. TH doesn't really need an excuse to create more negativity than already exists on the site. Goodbye!

This is a thread where you can post anything from minor complaints to long-winded rants about whatever may be bothering you. Since things can get quite heated in these types of boards, there are a few minor rules to help keep things civil:
▸ If you feel you are posting anything about a very sensitive topic such as self harm or assault, please black it out using the spoiler feature (lock symbol in post editor). You may also use this feature if you are posting something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

NOTE: if you choose to black out your text instead of using the spoiler feature, please be sure to set your font color and the background color to be the same color - otherwise, users will still be able to read it on certain themes. You can see a more detailed explanation in Aska-ray's thread here. Example: black text with black background

This is not an appropriate place to discuss other users within the Toyhou.se community (and by extension, the adopts community as pertains to sister sites: DA & FA) - this includes namedropping, hinting, and vague posting. Do not start fights with each other; this will result in warnings or strikes for the involved posters.
▸ Please refrain from using the Vent board to vague post or complain about users or posts within the Complaints board. This directly breaks rule #2 of the thread, and is not allowed.
▸ Please avoid the usage of hate speech.
If you have an issue with a post or believe a rule is being broken, do NOT post publicly. PM this account for moderator assistance.
Posts about politics, religion, etc. are allowed, but please be aware these are sensitive topics and may invite people to respond and start a discussion you may not want to be part of. If things get particularly heated the mod may drop in and ask you to take it to PMs. 
If you have a concern about something a user has posted, please contact this account via PM (do not ping publicly with your issue) to let the moderator know. The account will be checked multiple times a day.
This thread will operate on a 3 strike system. Any time a user breaks a rule of the thread, they will be notified via PM and have the offense explained to them. 
The users will begin to receive strikes with each offense, with the final third strike resulting in a temporary or permanent block from the thread depending on the severity of the situation. All of this will be discussed with the user via PM so they have a full understanding of the issue.
Are you having a tough time? Are you struggling with depression, eating disorders, anxiety, self harm, suicidal thoughts, or just need someone to talk to? Please make use of these resources:

I love working 6 days a week


Don't take it personally . - . 


I can't call mental health crisis hotlines because the thought of talking to someone on the phone at 1am makes me too anxious. Like, I run these elaborate conversations through my head of them asking me what's wrong, did someone die, were you fired, are you suicidal and all I can say is "Not really I'm just so tired of being sad and scared for no reason, please help me," like I expect them to silently judge me and wonder why I'm wasting their time when there are people with real problems out there...

I just wish I didn't feel like this all the time.


Im so mentally exhausted right now I don't know why im trying to hold onto this relationship shes so negative its sucking my smile away I feel so sorry for her all the time that when im happy I feel shitty for it because she always has to tell me how miserable she is. I understand she is  not a positive person I understand it 100 percent but its wearing on me so badly. I want to be happy but she isnt and I feel so bad I try to listen but its come to the point when anything good happens to me she walks in and  sucks it down I cant even spend time with my brother without her coming in and making it depressing. I feel like such an asshole for being happy with anything because she cant be happy no matter what she is always sad something is always wrong something is always bad she is never happy. I get so tired of hearing her say how bad she is how awful she is when no one said it. We want her to support herself but she takes it as everyone is mad at her etc. I am so tired.


Pixel-Latte it’s kind of an unspoken rule here not to reply to somebody’s vent but like,, -hugs- I feel that, be kind to yourself, you have it rough already no need to make yourself an enemy on top of it <3

Just,, sending support and good vibes ok u’re good u’re nice u can get through this


For my rant now tho so somebody on here, but idk their username & wouldn’t say it anyway bc of rules and I’m not interested in starting drama, blocked me after I suggested some names in a ‘name the oc above’ thread, and like I didn’t go against preferred gender or anything so ??? But ye ok it stings I feel hurt & sucky, life goes on, but now that same person, I’m assuming it’s the same person bc of thread and it’s the only person that blocked me to my knoweldge, just posted below me in the ‘name at first sight’ thread. Like, I can’t see their post?? They can’t even see my char since they blocked me?? Why do you hate me what’s the deal here wtf

Like, ok be petty but don’t involve me in it, go be petty over there

nevermind somebody answered me on the subject and apparently the post got blocked on the thread and uh I’m not sure if that’s all there is to it since the plst clearly says ‘this user has blocked you’ and not ‘this post has been blocked’ or smth like that but,, I’m confuse? Anyway getting out the part about being blocked over name suggestions still kinda helped me I guess,, it’s been a while and it still feels sucky tbh. I got troubles with wanting everyone to like me anyway so eh same old same old


Oh brother. Nice of you to anger dad as soon as he comes home now he's shouting at all of us lmao damnit 


Edit, putagris ng gagong tatay na to di pa ba sapat sayo tatlo?? Away gusto mo gago ka ah???