What animal do you see in OC above you?

Posted 7 years, 5 months ago (Edited 7 years, 3 months ago) by Alden staria

this was probably done before. if so i guess bummer?

but respond with what kind of animal you feel best describes/resembles/reminds you of the OC above you ("best describes" being based on whatever you want to apply it to)

let's be more clear. it does NOT have to be an animal based on what the OC is or looks like. that'd be rather boring??? you can base it off whatever: personality, likes, dislikes, etc. let's say Alden, my OC, as a lion because of his hair color? even though he's a cat.


Levey - wolf because of his tail??

next person can pick an animal for my OC displayed in my post.

 Dolores kafkaesque

obviously a vampire bat because vampires = bats. :3c

just kidding.... that's a bit too obvious.... but I'm aware that being a vampire who doesn't give a shit about drinking blood is an important part of Gautier's character, so I still need to keep the vampirism aspect while going a bit more obscure. how about... a leech...


technically, not all leeches eat blood, but the most famous ones tend to do so, so those will be the ones I'll be focusing on in this response. I don't think I need to say much about the whole blood-eating business because that's... literally obvious as hell lmao. he probably wouldn't keep one by any means because it'd most likely go against his more refined aesthetic preference, but I can see him at least being intrigued by them (but mostly in a morbid/guilty pleasure sense)?? (it'd be a mix of "hell yea blood eating solidarity" and "ew what the fuck is that.") though he might have to be careful about handling them, because their bites can be fairly painful. ouch.

and, admittedly, the name is 100% a pun on how much of a manipulative bastard Gautier is. he leeches off others (both literally and figuratively), so... *jazz hands* why not think of the animal that's linked to the term? the juxtaposition of Gautier being all fancy-schmancy and the leech - well - being the opposite of that could also be interesting?? they're opposites in terms of appearance, but in terms of Bitch Energy, they're... surprisingly similar. and this is a bit of a stretch, but... in Gautier's area and time, leeches would've been a fairly common medical treatment. he probably had an experience with at least one of these suckers, but because of his preferences... it probably wouldn't be that pleasant.

I initially thought of a vampire ground finch for him, but I couldn't think of much besides "ah yes.... bird drink blood...." though in retrospect, it'd probably fit his design just... ever so slightly.... also it'd be funny if a vampire like him got compared to a tiny bird lmao.


   - honestly that's?? really cute?? and I love that?? I actually also really like Holland Lops, but since I'm not Dolores... I don't think she'd actually mind the comparison, since it's pretty accurate to her psyche as a whole lmao.

 unnamed muichiro

dolores reminds me of a rabbit and i know that's so basic, but she just gives me huge, huge rabbit vibes. her social anxiety really sells it out because rabbits can often be socially anxious when it comes to other species and in my perception of social anxiety, you sort of feel like just that compared to everyone else. like you're completely different, not even human among humans and just don't blend in well with them. there's tons of rabbits, but i specifically see her as a holland lop! 


those little babies! when they get older, they're really cute (at least to me, but i love all rabbits) and look like this!


they're pretty docile and calm, i've had several of them! but they also can be shy with others! once they warm up though, they're really good companions and tolerate so much bullshit. (i used to mess with mine's hair and he would just be patient and let me do it)

 Momoru Okuyama eadie

A blue morpho butterfly. Definitely the party bros of the butterfly kingdom. Insert euphemism about how he transforms like a butterfly in the clubs or something, but I definitely picked this based off of his appearance. Their colours are hypnotizing. ssw4p78zpakwnm7fqq9scthlrxtsjqnvympjepls


I'm thinking a rabbit or Hare, I don't know I just get that vibe

Jia Songhe (家松鹤) malaquill


A blue heron! They look alike... but also, even though they live in colonies, herons tend to hunt alone, which brings to mind his closed-off nature. His short-tempered attitude and fear of being found out also makes me think herons, as a lot of their defensive behaviors (at least from what I've Googled just now, lol) tend to be showy and aggressive. 

v don't apologize, i love reading long answers! this suits him really well too!!

Zeb Lakeman aidenopossum

I’m thinking of a Eurasian Water Shrew!


Their small size sort of fits in with his general lack of strength and they’re also venomous!! I wanted to go with a venomous mammal over any reptiles because mammals are generally cuter than reptiles and that could kind of go along with his sweet and pleasant nature. (Plus he’s cute u_u) 

I think it’s kind of obvious why I went with a venomous animal. He has a lot of knowledge regarding poisons—but the contrast of the shrew being small and cute while also being one of a few venomous mammals I think is a nice kind of analogue to how Songhe is nice while also being a bit of a morbid person.

I ended up rambling a bit sorry :x

🌋 Rye RatKingUmi

I felt like it would be cliche to say Zeb reminded me somewhat of a lion. 

But he actually gives me some serious Iguana vibes 

tarosi cryptocorvid

The bright colours and the silhouette her outfit gives her some sort of butterfly vibes; I don't know enough about butterflies to pick a specific one hgjkfs

Laura Holt (06. Post Time-Skip) qhostbyrd

I feel like this might be a sorta common/obvious answer (Im sorry if it is ;0;) but Tarosi really makes me think of a peacock! After all, its the male peacocks who are the extravagant ones. :0c While the colors don't quite match up, the markings on his face and the clothing style he has really gives off that vibe imo !! Especially the outfit in this pic https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/21677057_NHiAP0rEJYMpUuz.png reminds me of a peacock with the trail of the skirt/bottom and all ^^ Like how peacock tails hang low/drag on the ground when they aren't up (I dunno how to word it I'm so sorry hghfgh)

Horen SapphireBatWings

"gentle giant", she is very quiet and reserved" Instantly had me thinking of panda bears. They're big guys but they're typically docile as far as I know. "She prefers listening much rather than talking." Also gives me panda vibes. I just feel like Pandas are more...idk...inquisitive? They just kind of seem gentle and wise to me and I get that same vibe from Lauren. She also has her phantom thing going on and (thanks to Avatar lol) I associate pandas with spirits.

Nimhr cosmic-cockatoo

All right. Bear with me.

I'm going to go with a Raggiana Bird-of-Paradise. While it's true only male birds-of-paradise have those wacky plumes, her hair just looks SO MUCH like them. I couldn't resist.

Her personality and dancing hobby also reminds me of this video where Sir David Attenborough gets upstaged by a bird.

Ellie FairySugar



Sleeps more times then not. 

Probably dosnet come when called. 

Hates life.

Probably hates mondays. 

Reminds me of Garfield.

People still love him anyway.

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Lottie Valentine FellowPigeon

Oops, I was way too slow! (Answer for Ellie kept under the spoiler)

Reading through her profile it seemed like a canary would fit well with the themes of her story! Ellie was taught to sing at a young age and her living in an enclosed garden has a very 'caged bird' feel which matches with canary's that have historically been kept as pets for their songs. Their colours also rather match with her bright palette and the ruffles on her skirt reminded me a bit of a feather pattern.


I don't know if this a weird choice but Ace made me think of a mongoose. They are well known for being able to take down venomous snakes despite their small size which I think could connect well to her skills in both fighting and diplomacy, even if she prefers to use the latter. They also have very thick fur and its colour and texture kind of matches with how Ace's hair is styled while their slender body shape fits with her build.


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