LF Art O: Oc's || *Resell & Trade*

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 4 months ago) by Hexe

Currently accepting art/other oc's and $$$
I am willing to haggle on some prices just ask ^ v ^

Regular trade and sale account *Updated*: 

I also have some children on my main account I'm looking to trade
Please note if you are offering me designs the design you offer must be able to be used in comics/commercially. Please don't offer me a character with 'personal use only' in the artist's rules! I'm developing webcomics with all my current characters on my toyhouse and I do not want to own any characters in which the artist/designer would be uncomfortable with this.

For any money offers, I only accept USD via PayPal!
If you see anyone you like on Unfortunate please message me on my main account Hexe

| Accepting USD | Art | Other OC's | 


Hello again! AHHH your designs are always so lovely!
You're so good at those magical designs. >w<

Um...anyone here interest you for pretty blue gal?


candydips Auu thank you so much >U <
Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone I could see myself using but, thank you for your offer. You have such lovely designs as well ; O ; <3


Ehhh lemme tries to filter my other babes then.
Perhaps you may like one of these?

Iunno, I can't get enough of her pouffy hair <333



Ahh, they're all really tempting but sadly, I still don't see anyone I could attach myself too > ^ <9  
I'm looking a bit more towards monetary offers for her truthfully because of all the art/secondary outfit she comes with. Though I really appreciate your offer! >//< <333


Alrighty, that's fine~
I totally understand! ^^
Have a great day then <3


candydips thank you for understanding <3 You too!


@DiamondFusion Hello, thank you for the offer but I'll have to pass on it, sorry ;v;!

StarlightDrifter They sure are! I'll PM you in a sec ~❤


@StefBani Oh my gosh you have such lovely characters! Unfortunately, I still don't see anyone I could see myself using at the minute ; x ;  but thank you for your offer ❤


I like this girl ;v;

I can offer art ! Examples/what I can do are in the link ;v; I'm very flexible! 

As for characters, I have some here maybe! depending with who, multiples are ok!



Hello, I really love these two! Rokuro + Edda Would you be willing to part with them for her (As much as I like Edda's extras I don't know who the second character is so I wouldn't be using the art from her gallery other than the chibi reference;; ) Please let me know how you feel about this or if one of them isn't for trade >W< ) / 


hi! unfortunately edda isn't for trade since she was gifted to me! as for rokuro, in exchange for him I traded quite a few characters so I don't think I'd be comfortable trading him either I'm so sorry ;;; 


Akasira That's alright I understand completely<3! Would you be willing to part with Hope + Kalani > v <?