LF Art O: Oc's || *Resell & Trade*

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 3 months ago) by Hexe

Currently accepting art/other oc's and $$$
I am willing to haggle on some prices just ask ^ v ^

Regular trade and sale account *Updated*: 

I also have some children on my main account I'm looking to trade
Please note if you are offering me designs the design you offer must be able to be used in comics/commercially. Please don't offer me a character with 'personal use only' in the artist's rules! I'm developing webcomics with all my current characters on my toyhouse and I do not want to own any characters in which the artist/designer would be uncomfortable with this.

For any money offers, I only accept USD via PayPal!
If you see anyone you like on Unfortunate please message me on my main account Hexe

| Accepting USD | Art | Other OC's | 


Thyouo Omg I seriously love your art and would be willing to trade her for your art alone! How much art are you willing to offer?


aa thank you!!

And you can just pick and choose whatever as long as it'll add up to $40?

//I think that'll be fair haha


Thyouo I've sent you a PM and am placing the character on hold for you <3!


i like https://toyhou.se/835956.catherine#4794404 !

does anyone interest you here ?



@suguo Sorry I didn't see anyone I could connect with > ^ < ; <3


@Shuvi Thank you <33


I hope you don't mind, but Momoka seems like Hunibi's tastes!


I really like her! ;; o; Anybody from here, here or here catch your eye for her? n wn/


wiley I don't mind thanks for tagging someone who might be interested it's super helpful! <33

@Sir-Prince I actually didn't see anyone I could connect with, however, I'd like to just gift her to you since you like her! If you ever feel detached though you're free to re-gift her or simply give her back to me! If that's fine with you I'll send her over.


loli Ah!? Are you sure? ;;; Thank you so much!! I promise to only regift or send her back if I ever feel disconnected to her!! < 3


@Sir-Prince Yep! I transferred her to you! Enjoy and Happy Valentine's day if you celebrate it :D!


loli Thank you!! happy Valentines day to you as well! n wn/ !!


Hello! Anyone from here (tentative with some) for Rose > this babe? <3
(maybe here too...)