LF Art O: Oc's || *Resell & Trade*

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 4 years, 4 months ago) by Hexe

Currently accepting art/other oc's and $$$
I am willing to haggle on some prices just ask ^ v ^

Regular trade and sale account *Updated*: 

I also have some children on my main account I'm looking to trade
Please note if you are offering me designs the design you offer must be able to be used in comics/commercially. Please don't offer me a character with 'personal use only' in the artist's rules! I'm developing webcomics with all my current characters on my toyhouse and I do not want to own any characters in which the artist/designer would be uncomfortable with this.

For any money offers, I only accept USD via PayPal!
If you see anyone you like on Unfortunate please message me on my main account Hexe

| Accepting USD | Art | Other OC's | 


Displayable Hello thank you so much for your interest on so many kids <3! They're currently up for bribe since I don't have a solid price for them right now so just throw me a few prices and we can talk about it since I'm not so sure right now (hopefully that makes sense)!


Hexe it does lol oh god I legit don’t want to low ball you because they are so pretty so imma just gonna shoot my shot 

For yumeko 80-90? 

For evanora 35-40?

For willow 55-65? 

Like I’m really bad with pricing and I legit don’t want u to feel like I’m lowballing you so I hope I don’t come across that way  



Those aren't low-balls at all thank you for the offers on them! I'd be willing to let go of them for those prices you suggested! Would Yumeko for 80, Evanora for 40 and Willow for 55 be okay as the prices?


Hexe yay glad I didn’t come off that way to u. For now I can only take yumeko and willow I had some things come up is that okay?



Oh sure that's no problem at all! Can you message me your Paypal e-mail so I can send an invoice? Thank you so much T__T <3!


Hi! I’m wondering how much to bribe for this gorgeous bab? https://toyhou.se/3538933.kazuo

I’m guessing at least 100-200 but I’m so bad at pricing so let me know if its too little! :3


CatalystAristarkh Hello sorry for the slow response! I could part with him for [redacted] if that price is alright with you?


Thank you so much! ^_^

The price does sound fair to me, though I'd love to give it some more thoughts first, and I'll be back later when I'm sure I can pay for him! 


CatalystAristarkh Sure thing! Thanks for getting back to me! Sure thing there's no rush, thank you again for your interest in him ^^!


hi! could i see the non thumbnail/cropped ver of this guy? owo https://toyhou.se/1861748.-14--


mozaik oops I didn't realize I had him set to thumbnail, they should work now in his gallery but just in case (1 & 2


thanks! ill pass on him for now, but gl with sales! <3


mozaik np thanks for your interest!

