Draw the favorite OC of the person above you!

Posted 7 years, 8 days ago (Edited 7 years, 1 day ago) by esskaid

Hi! I don't think I've seen a thread like this before, and I thought it was about time for the Ultimate Ego Stroke thread to ever grace the Toyhouse forums. Because who doesn't like art of their ocs AND having them complimented simultaneously?

Some instructions:

  1. Post a claim for the person above you.
  2. Pick a favorite OC of the person above you in their assortiment of Babs and then draw said OC.
  3. Edit your claim to include art and a little bit of an explanation as to why the OC is your favorite.
  4. PM the person the deets, and you're all done!

So! Let's get started with some rules.

  • Be sure to read the profile of the oc you picked as a fave, it's nice to know someone liked your design, but it's even nicer if someone likes your character as a whole!
  • That being said, include a reason as to why they're your fave. Make it mean something! (not just saying "they're so cute" etc. tip: mention favorite aspects in design/personality/backstory)
  • You have to draw. No dressup games etc. You don't have to be the best artist ever, just put effort into your drawing and I'm sure the person will be happy! Draw for them like how you'd draw for your own ocs, come on, dont be a jerk.

And now some overall thread rules so you don't get Banned 

  • don't claim again if you haven't finished your claim. Like I said before, don't be a jerk.
  • You have 3 weeks to finish a claim. If you haven't finished it by then, I will give you a warning. 2 weeks after the warning, I'll have to ban you from the thread. 
  • Make sure to PM the person your finished work! Huge, full files on a thread post clog the page, if you want to show off your work on the thread, size it down a bit.
  • It's great if you can produce a large amount of art in a short time, but thread spamming isn't something I'm particularly looking forward to. Make sure there's at least been 4 posts after your claim before you post again.
  • Thank the person after they gave you their art. They worked hard on that, don't leave them hanging.
  • If you have an issue with a certain user (they're breaking the rules, being rude, etc), don't start any drama. Send me a PM and I'll be right on it!

Temp rule: First poster gets a bonus, because I don't want someone drawing for me while I don't have to do anything as the thread OP with no one above me, I'll pick a favorite from them as well and send them a drawing. That means they get two pieces of art, what a deal!







I choose one of your cute child! He look like a cute smart boy maybe à litlle tsundere xD NAME THIS BEAUTIFUL KID XD




Claim! x>

EDIT: Done! I was going to do Doctor Fist at first but then I remember I drew him in another thread so... I did Kenshi!

She's too soft,, her bio makes me want to protect her. Her hat is just as cute too ;;;;



v Aaa tysm! I'm glad you like him! :'>



I love his design so much; the hair, hoodie, and face all make him stand out and the colors are just aesthetically appealing. A+
Two diff versions in the spoilers!!!




claim, picked him because he's honestly a whole ass mood




EDIT: Finished!


I picked Abderos because I loved his design and colors!(Spaaaaaace and dragons! Two top of the line things!) he seems like a good boy!

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Claim! ^^

Edit: Done and sent via PM!


A lot of your OCs could easily be my favorite, so I picked one of my absolute favorites of yours to draw! Enya has a very likable personality, and I absolutely love her design! I've never seen a bat character quite like her before, and I had a lot of fun drawing and coloring her! I just love all of your Souls characters especially, they're all amazing :D


Claim SoulLugia11 - DONE

 I choose Finn , I have alot of things I like about him , One I love the bunny ears, two I also Love bunnies (I have 11) , three alice in wonderland is my fav story book




I choose your litlle Emo boy!!  I love his bad boy's style and his an musicians and I loooove guitar! His bio Is not very complete so I don't have other thing to say about him X3


Claim! Finished SuperiorKenshi :)
I was super drawn to her pink hair and this bubbly personality she emitted from her pictures! She's super cute and was a lot of fun to draw c:

I think I only have one character in the UFT folder so anyone but them is good :)


This user's post has been blocked from this thread.


EDIT: Finished!


I chose Fuchsia because other than her color palette(which I love) she seems like such a sweetie! She is absolutely a ball of cuteness I'd love to be friends with and I can def related to needing a lot of alone time despite liking friends :,D


claim uwu

done! i chose Cheesecake because JUsT LOOK HOW FLUFFY AND ADORABLE SHE Is
