Draw the favorite OC of the person above you!

Posted 7 years, 5 days ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by esskaid

Hi! I don't think I've seen a thread like this before, and I thought it was about time for the Ultimate Ego Stroke thread to ever grace the Toyhouse forums. Because who doesn't like art of their ocs AND having them complimented simultaneously?

Some instructions:

  1. Post a claim for the person above you.
  2. Pick a favorite OC of the person above you in their assortiment of Babs and then draw said OC.
  3. Edit your claim to include art and a little bit of an explanation as to why the OC is your favorite.
  4. PM the person the deets, and you're all done!

So! Let's get started with some rules.

  • Be sure to read the profile of the oc you picked as a fave, it's nice to know someone liked your design, but it's even nicer if someone likes your character as a whole!
  • That being said, include a reason as to why they're your fave. Make it mean something! (not just saying "they're so cute" etc. tip: mention favorite aspects in design/personality/backstory)
  • You have to draw. No dressup games etc. You don't have to be the best artist ever, just put effort into your drawing and I'm sure the person will be happy! Draw for them like how you'd draw for your own ocs, come on, dont be a jerk.

And now some overall thread rules so you don't get Banned 

  • don't claim again if you haven't finished your claim. Like I said before, don't be a jerk.
  • You have 3 weeks to finish a claim. If you haven't finished it by then, I will give you a warning. 2 weeks after the warning, I'll have to ban you from the thread. 
  • Make sure to PM the person your finished work! Huge, full files on a thread post clog the page, if you want to show off your work on the thread, size it down a bit.
  • It's great if you can produce a large amount of art in a short time, but thread spamming isn't something I'm particularly looking forward to. Make sure there's at least been 4 posts after your claim before you post again.
  • Thank the person after they gave you their art. They worked hard on that, don't leave them hanging.
  • If you have an issue with a certain user (they're breaking the rules, being rude, etc), don't start any drama. Send me a PM and I'll be right on it!

Temp rule: First poster gets a bonus, because I don't want someone drawing for me while I don't have to do anything as the thread OP with no one above me, I'll pick a favorite from them as well and send them a drawing. That means they get two pieces of art, what a deal!


Claim! Please don't do any character from the Project Glacier folder.





Out of yours I think Nox is my favorite! They're such a cool looking monster I especially really love their eyes and belly mouth! Space themed designs have me weak U_U



Edit: Transferred images! I chose Astral bc I loved the contrast between her hair and her eyes and also evil science ladies are fun. (And she's aro ace which is cool)




I chose Alexis!  Such a cute girl! I love character who love cofee and are in love with space (Tony Stark 👌 I love Her style and Her story! 


mmm Claim

link to all my characters

EDIT: SuperiorKenshi SO SORRY this is SO LATE!!!! Submitting to Ren! I really like him. He struck a cord with me, being an angsty teen, and something about his design spoke to me or something. xD

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Done!! (HI STORM!! :D )

I drew Marigold as my favorite of yours, i know I’ve drawn them a lot before but  I have so much fun drawing him tbh?? He has such a fun and neat design, and has such an interesting well fleshed out personality too, honestly you can tell that you put so much love and effort into your characters and it shows, but I just absolutely love Marigold 💗💗💗 his color pallet is super nice too, all his colors go together so well, his cloak is super fun to draw too!

Also sorry if the bg doesn’t look super good shdmcnd;; I experimented on it a lot and can absolutely send a background less version if you want uwu!


Please don’t chose anyone in the “I dunno” and “sale/trade” folders since I’m probably not keeping them 💕💕 thank uwu


claim !!! done<3 i picked this unnamed girl because i find her design appealing. i really like the aesthetics of object heads as well as her color palette. it's really nice


i'd prefer if you stayed out of my worldless folder because idk what i'm doing with them but every other folder is fair game <3



Edit: All done ^^! Click! I chose Willy more based on his design, I thought he was super cute and totally needed more art! Plus I have a thing for one-eyed characters... He's such a cutie, and I love that he used to be a pirate aaa ;u;... Cutie lil pirate...

(Please don't choose OCs from "Other" or "Unsure" folder. ^^; )



Edit: Done! Its Vincent!





I choose Ken! He look like a cute fluffy boy and I love his design He look like an inspector! He's so cool! I Hope you will do his bio soon :3

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claim, anyone is ok


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Claim StormTheBard - DONE

I did Fleur, first reason we both have an OC named Fleur lol, 2nd Bunnies and sharks are awesome so together there amazing, 3rd THEY ARE SO CUTE OMGGG
