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The Positivity Board [ Shout it out loud! ]

Posted 8 years, 5 months ago (Edited 4 years, 7 months ago) by PositivityMod

Updated: 8/14/2018 (some small changes / handed over to new mod) 

 Vent Board | General CommentsNewbie Guide

♬ Happy Birthday Positive Board!♬

Welcome to the positivity board. This opposites the complaints board in which you can post about all the happy and positive things that are happening with you! Whether you feel blessed, want to hype on about something or whatever, you can do so here. 

Please keep the board PG13 or under and no NSFW please! No name dropping unless the person is comfortable with you. Keep gifs to a minimum. 

This board is under new management. Mod remains anonymous. 

Thank you for enjoying this board for 2 years! Happy posting! 

I'm closing this board because I have no more interest in Toyhouse and I'm closing the account. Feel free to re-create this! Thank you!


I desperately didn't want 2 go 2 my gig the other day, I was feeling depressed as shit but i MADE IT and i DID OKAY and PEOPLE ENJOYED IT actually I was still feeling p bad onstage until it was time 2 sing but when I did I felt like the audience was into it and it was a rly good feeling. Someone actually came up to me later saying they wished I was on the mic for longer aaaaa highest praise, esp since I'm not used to singing w/ hearing protection in :0


daoko's music makes me so happy im just........................... kya..


I met one of my favorite oc makers and I'm very happy about it!! And we get along!!


i'm currently changing up my main code for character profiles and i'm really happy with the edits i've made so far! i'm very excited to use it once it's finished!! i'm also learning new things about html so that's a nice bonus <3.


Today is the last day of my SCPA training and I'm so happy to finally start officially volunteering!! I can't wait to see all the animals again!! I'm excited to see Bandit again!!




^^^^ Big agree with above statement




I had enough for only four pulls and these two came home on 2nd try T_T Lowkey wanna collect all the Unova protags/rivals...


morgyn ember....... nonbinary icon..........   


I am so blessed to have my friends! They know me to a T. They are there for me if I find myself needing someone (aka ready to talk to somebody). I can't ask for better people in my life. I don't deserve them lol