General Requests Thread

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 11 months ago) by Pokeshadow

Haven't seen any official threads on this site, and I feel like one of this nature is needed. I've seen a tone of "I wanna make some free art for people" threads but they're all directed at the one artist, and the poor guys/girls/other configurations or being  sometimes get overloaded and has to leave some behind. Solution? 

Official art request thread.


How this works: This works similar to 4chan's drawthreads if anyone is familiar with the site and boards that run these, minus the creation of a booru to house completed requests

  • Requesters will leave a request in the comments, it can be of a character specifically or just a link to their character list for the drawfriend to decide. If you're feeling lucky, you can suggest a pose or situation, but it all comes down to the drawfriend what they want to do or not do. If you do what a specific picture, be sure to include details, otherwise you might not get what you bargined for.
  • Drawfriends who see a request and are interested in the idea or character fill out said request. Do not feel obligated to do anything at all, it is up to you what you want to do or what you want to ignore.
  • For common curtesy, please don't spam your request if it isn't fulfilled. Drawfriends work very hard on art for people, it isn't very nice to pressure them. Who knows, maybe in a week from your original request a new drawfriend might enter the thread for the first time, see it, and decide to do it for you. Let them be free.
  • Just because someone's already fulfilled a request doesn't mean a different drawfriend can't also like the request enough to do a picture as well. It's all down to the drawfriend what they do and don't do, they have no obligations at all.
  • For the love of god do not make a request then add "But I don't want [Insert username here] to do this!"  These people are taking time out of their lives to make art for you, don't insult them by telling them to go away and that their art's bad.
  • If your request is NSFW, you might want to message the final image privately. People of all ages use this site, some not in a position to handle naked parts or worse, so be considerate. That being said, if you're making a NSFW request, please don't write out in the comments  "I want [Character] to be f***ing this b*tch here, showing off his fat c***"  no one wants to see that shit. Don't be nasty. 
  • Don't request commission quality super art. This is essentially a freebie thread, don't expect someone to sit down for days on end perfectly shading each pixel to life like qualities for absolutely nothing. If you want that kinda art of your characters, actually commission and pay someone for their hard work and effort. If a drawfriend does decide to randomly make someone's request high quality, great for you, you lucked out, but don't expect that to be a certainty. It was the drawer's decision to make it as they did, but their next image they make could also be a simple sketch. Don't pressure the drawers.
  • Yes you can make multiple requests over time, but I stress the over time part. It's not fair for you to be constantly asking for art on a daily basis if you've already gotten art out of this. Maybe give it a week or two, enough time to let the drawers do other requests and maybe have a break.
  • Respect the Drawfriends.
  • Drawfriends, if you actually run commisions, don't spam about it. Go ahead and mention it if someone comments on your art by all means, but don't go out of your way to plug yourself. The whole rest of this board is for that.

If other rules are needed I will add them.


Other than that, have fun! Be free my children

 Vivi Liv

Hey, thanks for making this thread! I think it's a good idea since I've been craving to make more icons haha

[F] Hana
 - Easygoing but reliable  (currently private)
[M] Kouki
- Rebellious and mischievous
[F] Lynn - Honest, hardworking, and meddlesome (currently private)
[F] Sara - Cheerful, diligent, and obstinate
[F] N/A - Shy and bitter

[M] August
- Strict and protective 
[F] Camille - Neat, prude, and miserly
[F] Irena - Kind but gullible
[F] Seren - Honest, hardworking, and meddlesome (currently private)
[F] Miela - Social, impulsive, and extravagant/wasteful

Planning: 1 // 2 // 3 // 
Received: Pepperly //Ceannaliel // Pokeshadow //


I guess I will start this off with a few characters I'd love to see more art of:

Temuar - Furry Leopard/Cheetah mix male - Sporty but sweet.

Azeena - Feral Oshawott female - Mild natured and grumpy

Charma Huo - Charmander that was greatly altered by the PKRS Virus. Male

Tamoso Cynwaurd - Male beast - He currently has someone he is trying for form a bond with, and I can provide references if you'd like to draw them together. (unfortunately the other character isn't on toyhouse yet)

Kilarth - Male young dragon - He is from the MLP world, but any more realistic/fierce images would be cool too <3

Yahto - Male Manokit (open species) - Bipedal furry - Magic is pink, green, and orange (the bag tied to his tail is made from his magic). He hunts, is rather silent, and pretty laid back over all.

Plenty of characters to choose from. The most human-like would bee Temuar and the least human-like would be Cyne. But there should be something there for most tastes, and I look forward to seeing requests here that I can snag and draw :3

Edit: Xunis Sairune - Male demon that loves shiny things. Most human-looking character I have (other than Cerberin's human form, lol)



I'll start by saying, if people don't mind, I'll do traditional art of some characters (examples of my style here)



I've decided any of my characters is fine


-Though anything named Free or Trade may not belong to me after awhile. :3 
(I'm building up some adoptables for the Freebies thread and to sell oops)


 Bumping as well :3 sometimes I hate having nothing to draw and things like this help!


If anyone would want to do anyone in here, then it would be gratefully appricated:




I would be super appreciative if anyone drew my characters:
I'll definitely see about returning the favor when I've got some spare time! <3



Omg.. That's so precious. You have beautiful artwork. Thank you so much and happy holidays ; u ;


oh yaa I forgot, if anyone wants to draw I have characters here 

EDIT: feel free to draw any from any folder



I'll probably draw a few things here when I have enough time, but for now I'd like to drop a small request! <3

I'd really like to get some couple art of these two (F/F), if anyone cares to! Ginga | Tilia

They're a quintessential rival/lover pair, so whether they're doing something romantic, or fighting, or just looking miffed at each other, it'd all turn out well! <3


I'd love if someone could do some couple art of any of these babs (Except Haru as I haven't designed his wife yet whups) And they are all linked to their S/O.
Both NSFW and SFW are appreciated ♥

Thank you in advance!! 



