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12 Apr 2024, 7:48:51 am


CHIKURIN BUT SMALL!! YIPPEE!! i put too much thought into this considering it's just a design for fun (more in comments)


i gotta put this in a comment so it'll fit jsjsbfcsdj. anyway i made her have an outfit that's more suited to working bc even though she's a noblewoman (...girl???) she is also taking care of her sister and secretly learning to fight. so she has her sleeves tied back and a sort of apron-skirt-dress thing (i added a fur element to make her seem colder but also warm if that makes sense?). she also has leg and foot armor as a nod to her warrior future (though ironically as an adult she wears normal shoes). her hair is also a bit messier bc she styles it herself since she hates people touching her hair. as she gets older it gets curlier and becomes that bob she has later